Chapter 3

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"Nyx!! Darling slow down!!" She heard her mum shouting after her.

They were running around in their home, in the backyard.

"Catch me mummy!!" She screamed in delight.

She always loved playing catch with her mum

"Princess I need you to promise that you'll never tell anyone this secret" her daddy asked her.

"Pinky promise daddy" she said solemnly, her face set in a serious expression, well as serious as an eight year old would look.

"Very well, what I am about to show you is going to blow your mind, follow me" he walked towards a door in the library.

"Daddy these are just suitcases" she said dryly. Surely he was not talking about this. She was expecting something like an invisibility cloak or something.

"Have you heard of Newt Scammander's suitcase darling?"

It took her a moment to understand. She whipped her head towards him and away from the three suitcases sitting in the middle of the room.

"No bloody way"

"You're doing amazing sweety!" Her mum yelled at her from the stands as she flew around in the back of an abraxan.

"No I'm not, you're my mum, you have to say that!!" she rolled her eyes and the next second they went wide as she screamed.

"Why is it flying so fast?!!!" She screamed.

"What were you expecting when you wanted to go on a racing horse!?" Her mum shouted at her, amusement colouring her tone as she spoke.

"Are you ready for the funeral miss?" The house elf asked her.

She wiped her tears away and stood, following the elf out of the room.

"Hello, today we're here to say goodbye to Alexander and Ophelia Xylon. My parents"

"Hello. My name is Nyx Xylon and I'm here for my sixth year"

"Hello Miss. Xylon I have heard great things about you" said a man with pale skin and thin lips curved in a grimace which she thought was his idea of a smile.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Severus Snape. The current headmaster. You will be sorted along with the first years. Follow me" he ordered her.

"Ravenclaw!" Came the voice of the sorting hat and she sighed in relief.

She walked over to the table which housed a group of students wearing black robes with blue trims. she felt her robes changing to match them.

"Welcome to Ravenclaw, Nyx. I'm sure you know what's going on here so please do not go out of the common room alone and always travel in groups" said a blonde girl with a prefect badge.

Nyz smiled at her, relieved that they were not hostile.

The sorting continued and the only noise made was from the slytherins, most of whom were grinning and clapping when their house got a new resident.

The other tables were very silent and kept their head down.

Nyx did the same.

She once again prayed to the higher powers that things would not get worse than this.

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