Wake up

1.5K 19 1

Created: 06.02.2022

Finished: 17.05.2022

Edited: 13.09.2023

Age: 17

Word count: 2,092

Warnings: Guns, Blood, Death, Nightmare

Detka = Baby

Request: No

Summary: Natasha is forced to take you with her to a mission that takes an unexpected turn.

"You're tired, baby girl?" Your mother asked you as the movie you were watching came to an end

"Mhm..." You nodded, burying your face in the crook of her neck

"You want to stay with me tonight?" Natasha smiled at the sight of you cuddled closer to her

You didn't answer and just snuggled closer to her.

Natasha turned the TV off and turned to her side so she could properly hold you in her arms.

"Good night, detka." She kissed the top of your head

"G'night Mama." You mumbled half asleep

With one last kiss left on your hairline, Natasha closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.


Her phone ringing is what woke Natasha up the next morning.

She quickly took a look at your sleeping form, sighing in relief when she saw that the phone's ringtone hadn't woke you up.

"Hello?" Natasha whispered into the phone in order to not wake you up

"Agent Romanoff, I want you and the whole team in the meeting room in 30! Is that clear?" Fury's voice ordered

Natasha rolled her eyes and just ended the phone call without a word to Fury.

How dare he disturb her free day that she had planned to spend with her daughter?!

It's been a while since she had a free day and all she wanted was to be in your company all day.

Looking down at you after she calmed a little, she took a moment to admire your beauty and think about how much she loves you.

You are her entire world, the reason why she keeps living. If it wasn't for you coming into her life, she would have been long dead. You saved her life in more than one way.

Leaning forward, your mom softly kissed your forehead and leaned closer to your ear.

"My love, it's time to wake up." She sweetly whispered "Come on, my baby. Open your beautiful eyes. We have plans for today. Remember?"

You slowly opened your eyes and lazily smiled at your mom.

"Good morning, Mama." You kissed her cheek

"Good morning, detka." She smiled from ear to ear "Nick called and said he wanted to talk a little with the team. Then I'm all yours. We can do anything you want today, Y/N."

"Seriously?! Why is grandpa Nick so annoying when he wants to?" You pouted

"I don't know baby." Natasha giggled "But we'll soon find out what is this all about."

Twenty minutes later Natasha was waiting for Fury to make the big announcement.

"What's the big deal, Nick?" Natasha asked bored "My daughter is waiting for me, so could you please hurry up?"

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now