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Created: 11.02.2024

Finished: 11.02.2024

Edited: 11.02.2024

Age: 9

Word count: 573

Warnings: Major character death mention

Request: No

Pairing: WinterWidow

Disclaimer: If you cry, it's not my fault!

"Y/N!" Morgan, your cousin, cheered as you stepped out of the car.

"Morgan!" You shouted as you ran to her to give her a hug.

Morgan, the daughter of Tony and Pepper, was 7 years old and, although she was 2 years younger than you, she was your best friend.

Today, you asked your papa, Bucky, if he could take you to Morgan's house for a playdate, and he agreed.

Anything for his little doll.

Bucky's purpose in life was to make you the happiest little girl in the world.

Or at least he tried to, but ever since your mom sacrificed herself 2 years ago to bring him back, you haven't been as happy as you used to be.

"Hey, Morgan." Bucky smiled at Morgan. "Where's your mom?" He questioned.

"Mommy just came back from work and she's taking a nap." Morgan explained. "She left Uncle Happy to watch me."

"And he left you alone?" The man asked, concerned.

"No," Morgan shook her head. "He is just making a sandwich for me in the kitchen."

Bucky let out a relieved breath. "That's good."

"Come on now, Morgan." You encouraged, taking your cousin's hand as you pulled her inside the house. "I came here to play."

You and Morgan have been playing quietly for about an hour now, both of you engrossed in different activities.

Morgan was building a block out of some Lego pieces while you were making a puzzle.

Bucky was watching you from the couch, his eyes never leaving your face as you struggled to find the last piece of your puzzle among other pieces from different puzzles that were in the box.

"I've found it!" You suddenly shouted excitedly, holding up the last missing piece of your puzzle.

"Shh, Y/N, don't be so loud." Morgan whispered-shouted at you, placing a finger over her lips. "We can't make too much noise because my mom will wake up, and she needs to rest."

"Oh..." You breathed out, allowing your shoulders to fall as you looked down at your now finished puzzle. "Okay. Then let's play at my mom's grave and maybe she will wake up."

Bucky's heart broke in that very moment, and a few tears escaped his eyes, but he was quick in wiping them away. He had to be strong for you.

"She's been asleep for too long," you added with a voice filled with sadness.

"But yours will never wake up again." Morgan exclaimed confused. "Mommy said the same thing about daddy. But they are now sleeping forever."

You sniffed away your tears and nodded. "I know."

You knew that your mama was now sleeping forever and that there was no possible way to wake her up ever again.

Not even by making too much noise.

Bucky wanted to shield his little girl from this heartache so badly.

But he couldn't.

He didn't even have the heart to tell you that your beloved mama wasn't even buried in her grave, and he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to confess it to you.

Natasha would have wanted him to move on and to keep on living happily for you, but it was too hard.

And as you looked at your father, he gave you a watery smile, trying to reassure you that you will both get through this. As a family.


Just maybe, if you were playing loud enough, Natasha would wake up.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now