Fight for their lives (Part 2) (Alternative ending 2)

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Created: 11.06.2023

Finished: 20.06.2023

Edited: 25.09.2023

Age: 18

Word count: 4,891

Warnings: None

Request: Yes (Tumblr user)

Pairing: BlackHill

The first to open her eyes was Maria, who, blinded by the bright light of the afternoon sun, tightly shut them closed once again as she took a moment to adjust her sight.

Turning her head to her right, the first thing she noticed was the fierce long red hair of her wife, who was still unconscious, spread on the white pillow, making her smile at Natasha's stunning beauty.

But the smile quickly turned into a frown when she noticed how her wife's entire body was covered in wounds and how the cast on her leg slightly poked out from under the white blanket Natasha was covered with.

Looking down, Maria also noticed the cast on her hand and she could only imagine that she looked fairly similar to Natasha.


Her sweet wife that almost died because the people they called their friends were willing to let her die inside rather than going in to save her.

"Natasha..." Maria chocked out, her voice only above a whisper

"Hey... You're okay." A deep voice reassured Maria "She's okay."

Maria looked in the direction from where the voice came and found Bruce there with a smile on his face.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted Bruce that Maria started to show signs of waking up and he rushed towards their room as fast as he could.

"Tasha..." Maria lightly coughed

"She's going to be fine. Don't worry." Bruce started doing a quick check-up on the brunette "She's about to wake up any moment just as you did."

"What happened?" Maria asked in her groggy state

"You got into an explosion on your way out." Bruce explained "Lucky, you both just got away with a few broken bones, nothing major."

"For how long was I out?" Maria looked around the room trying to find anything that could indicate to her what hour is it

"For about 3 days and a half." The doctor said

"Oh my God..." Maria gasped quietly "Y/N! Where is she, Bruce? Where is my daughter?"

"She... Umm..." Bruce had no idea how he was supposed to break this news to Maria "She's..."

"Maria..." Natasha groaned, scrunching her face in pain

"Tasha!" Maria quietly shouted panicked "Tasha, baby, are you okay?"

"Mia?" Natasha questioned confused with her eyes still closed

"I'm here, babe!" Maria reassured "I'm right here! Can you open your eyes for me, beautiful? Please..."

As told, Natasha slowly opened her eyes, taking in the brightness of the daylight, and turned her head to her left where she found Maria's worried gaze fixed on her.

"My leg..." Natasha cried in pain

"Can you give her something for the pain?" Maria pleaded, looking at Bruce "Please."

"But of course." Bruce nodded, walking over to Natasha's bed "I'm going to give you something for your arm as well."

"Arm?" Natasha mumbled confused, her eyes going wide when she noticed the cast Maria had on her arm "Mia! Sweetheart, are you okay?"

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now