My mom's other girl

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Created: 06.11.2022

Finished: 26.12.2022

Edited: 13.09.2023

Age: 7

Word count: 2,370

Warnings: None

Request: Yes (Tumblr user)

Pairing: WandaNat

Summary: Wanda introduces her girlfriend to her daughter for the first time.

You patiently waited while swinging your legs for your mom to tell you the big news she was dying to tell you for quite some while.

Wanda had been in an official relationship with Natasha for almost 8 months but she hadn't introduced her to you until now because she wanted to make sure Natasha would be a permanent feat in her life and then, of course, in yours. She didn't want her little baby to get attached to someone who would later leave them alone and heartbroken.

Wanda couldn't bear the thought of her little girl suffering because she wasn't able to choose wisely the persons she introduced in your life.

But Wanda was sure this time that Natasha was that one person she had been looking for her entire life.

Wanda could feel it.

Truth be told, Wanda felt the same way about your father as she felt about Natasha.

But unfortunately he passed away and Wanda thought she would never love again.

That was until Natasha asked her out for dinner and she said yes.

The rest is history.

"Mommy, can you please say what you have to say already!" You whined bored, pulling Wanda out of her own thoughts

Your mom kneeled down in front of you and placed her hands on your knees as she gave you a small unsure smile.

Wanda cleared her throat and then took a deep breath in "Look, baby girl... What mommy has to tell you it's very important and for certain things to continue I'll need your permission, sweetheart, because no one will ever be as important to me as you are."

You slightly nodded not being fully sure about what she was going to say next.

"So a few months ago, mommy started going out with one of her coworkers." Wanda slowly explained as she carefully watched your reaction "Her name is Natasha and she's a really nice and kind girl that makes me feel happy just like your daddy used to do."

The witch took a moment to silently think about the words she was going to say next.

"So I invited her to come over for dinner so you could meet her and see if maybe you'll like her to be around here more..." Wanda raised her shoulders as her voice pitched a little at the end of the sentence

"Sure..." You shrugged "That's all, Mommy?"

Wanda nodded "Yes, baby, that was all."

You stood up and walked over to your dolls and toys that were patiently waiting for you on the carpet in the middle of the room.

"She took it better than I expected." Wanda quietly mumbled under her breath

Your mom stood up too, kissed your head, and walked to the kitchen to start getting everything ready for tonight.

You were watching cartoons in the living room when you heard the doorbell ring.

"Y/N, sweetheart, can you open the door, please?" Wanda shouted from her room where she was still getting ready

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now