You came back to me (Part 2)

913 28 1

Created: 20.03.2022

Finished: 26.06.2022

Edited: 19.09.2023

Age: 15

Word count: 2,030

Warnings: Shovels

Request: No

"Why do you want us to go back there, Nat?" Clint asked annoyed

"I want you to go there and find everything you possibly can about Y/N."

"But why?!" Clint whined rolling his eyes "An abandoned HYDRA base isn't the nicest place in this world."

"Not your business, Barton!" Natasha shouted angry

Clint immediately shut his mouth and just nodded.

"Don't worry, Nat. We'll try our best." Steve reassured Natasha, placing his hand on her shoulder

"Thank you, Steve. It means a lot." She smiled at him, placing her hand over Steve's, squeezing it a little

And with one last nod between Steve and Natasha, the two men took off.

Natasha turned towards Bruce and gave him a look that said 'I'll need your help later'.

A few hours later, Steve and Clint returned with their hands empty much to Natasha's disappointment.

"We're sorry, Nat. But we found no records of her." Steve explained

Natasha only stormed out of the room confused and frustrated.

She was almost running towards Bruce's lab when she bumped into someone on the way there.

"Hey, Tasha! Where's the rush?" You questioned the woman, rubbing your shoulder that came into contact with Natasha's

"Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you a few things?" She nervously asked

You have never seen Natasha this nervous.

"Sure, Tasha. You know you can ask me anything." You smiled

"Do you remember how much time you spent locked in there?" The spy intently watched you

"In the cell?" You raised your eyebrows

Natasha nodded.

"I think that, I don't know, maybe 8 or 9 years. I can't remember exactly."

"And they did experiments on you?" Natasha kept her gaze on you

"Not really. No." You shook your head "But they used to run tests on me all the time though."

"What kind of tests?" Natasha rushed to ask

"They were testing my agility, reflexes, intelligence, endurance... Things like this."

You only blinked once and when you opened your eyes again, Natasha was already sprinting down the corridor.

"Tasha, where are you running?" You shouted after her

But you received no answer from her.

Shrugging, you kept walking to your initial destination. The kitchen. To get some snacks and drink some milk.

Natasha banged open the lab's door and speed walked towards Bruce who was sitting at his desk.

"I don't know how but you will find out who are Y/N's biological parents and her medical history." Natasha pointed her finger towards the doctor "You have 48 hours."

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