Don't go

1.1K 14 0

Created: 10.10.2023

Finished: 14.10.2023

Edited: 14.10.2023

Age: 16

Word count: 1,904

Warnings: Crying, Throwing up, Danger, Explosion, Fainting

Request: Yes (Wattpad user) (secretromanoff)

Pairing: BlackHill

Note: This story will not have a part two


"See you tonight, kid!" Your Mom, Maria, said, kissing your head

"Love you, baby!" Your Mama, Natasha, kissed your cheek

"Please don't leave!" You sobbed, tugging at the sleeves of their suits

Natasha turned her head towards Maria and shared a worried look with her wife.

This was the first time, in your 16 years of life that you reacted like this.

Not even as a baby or small child have you refused to let your mothers leave for their mission.

"What's got into you, Y/N?" Maria chuckled in an attempt to light up the mood, but uneasiness was present in her voice

"I don't want you to leave!" You chocked out in between sobs

"Honey, it's just a small undercover mission." Natasha cupped your face and wiped away your tears "It's no big deal. We do this all the time. We just need to gather some intel and we'll be back by dinner."

"I have a bad feeling about this." You tried to reason with the two women "Just stay."

Maria laughed "Nice try, kid." Then ruffled your hair "Better luck next time."

"Why wouldn't you listen to me?!" You shouted

The couple isn't sure what reaction they expected but, for sure, wasn't this one.

"Sweetheart..." Maria sighed, trying a new approach "Nick would kill us if we didn't go."

"And you know it." Natasha continued Maria's sentence

"Mama, please." You kept pleading "Just listen to me."

"We'll be back by dinner." Maria quickly kissed your head again before grabbing Natasha's hand and dragging her towards the Jet

"Mama!" You screamed, falling to your knees "No! Don't go!"


"We shouldn't have left her like that, Maria!" Natasha said worriedly, pacing back and forth

"Babe, calm down a bit, would you?" Maria sighed from her seat "She's 16. We can't keep treating her like a baby anymore. She'll be fine."

"But she is a baby!" Natasha threw her arms in the air "She is our baby, Maria."

"Natasha, honey, I know what you mean, but what I'm trying to say is that she long surpassed the toddler tantrums era."

"I know, but still..." Natasha let out a deep breath, sitting down beside Maria "I'm just worried about the state we left her in. It's not like her to react like this."

Maria extended her arm and wrapped it around her wife's shoulders "I am worried too. This is the first time she reacts like this but we can't just stay home and not go to the mission. We have a job, Natasha."

Natasha rested her head on Maria's shoulder "You're right. I can't stop my maternal instincts that are screaming at me because I left my daughter crying without comforting her first but I also can't run away from my duties. Just like you said, we have a job to do."

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now