finding a injured animal

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     Edward pov

Bella fell asleep against me. I knew she was tired.

I felt a tap on my leg and I turned and looked and Mike started to sign to me.

So what, the horses lead to a safe place to camp?

Yeah. Well lighting does. He knows the way.

Then I felt something. Bella also gripped both of my legs.

Then she spelled out on my leg do you feel that.

I took her hand into mine so she could feel me spell.

A animal is injured up ahead.

She just started tapping one finger on my leg. She was focusing on the animal.

She turned her head and looked up at me and locked her eyes with me.

She spelled out a half wolf. It got it with a arrow. Near where we're going to camp.

She leaned forward next to lighting ear.

I looked over to Mike and signed.

Emergency stop.

Was all I told him. Bella sat back up and lighting made a noise like he was talking to Mike's Horse and all of sudden we made a quick left turn.

"Holy shit! A little notice next time." Bella and I started laughing.

Then Lighting came to a sudden stop. I climbed off and helped Bella off. I signed to her.

First aid kit baby.

I watched as she got the first aid kit and she came to my side and took my hand.

It didn't take long to find her. I put my hand up to stop Mike from coming any further with us.

Bella and I slowly walked up to her. Then we kneeled down next to her.

"It's okay girl. We're here to help you." I said in a low voice. I looked at Bella.

"She's only a pup. She's not even 6 months baby. Open the first aid kit and hand me a pair of gloves first." Bella did what I asked her to do.

I put on the gloves. I looked at the arrow and shook my head.

"Hand me the numbing stuff and a syringe please." She gave them to me.

"I'm sorry girl. But this is going to burn a little, but after that all you'll feel is pressure and I will get that arrow out and clean it for you." I told the puppy.

I started numbing around the arrow. "There should be like a scalpel in the kit. I need it, please." Bella handed it to me.

I gently made the wound larger and handed back Bella the scalpel and she took it. I pulled out the arrow.

"Iodine please!" She handed it to me and then I gave it back to her. "Gauze!" It was like we moved in sync.

Everything I asked for she gave it to me and she took it back.

I looked back up to Bella and it was like she knew what I was going to say.

She nodded her head.  I slowly picked up the puppy and got up and walked out to Mike was already on his horse.

"Let me guess. She has to go to the camp with us." I just nodded my head and handed him the puppy.

I walked back over to Bella and she already had the first aid kit pack and was on Lighting and I climbed on behind her and lighting took off again.

       Bella pov

I felt amazing to work together like that. I looked up at Edward and he looked down at me and smiled at me.

I tapped just over his heart and he did the same to mine as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

He deepen the kiss and it was amazing. But then we came to a sudden stop for some reason and I had a bad feeling.

I turned my head but I saw nothing I leaned over and looked behind and that's when it became stronger.

I sat back up and leaned back against Edward and wrapped his arms around me.

I turned and looked at my Uncle and motion to hang on tight.

I motion with my legs to lighting and he came up off the ground on his hind legs and then got into a position to take off like a runner would.

I held my legs out and leaned forward. I smiled when Edward did the same. Except he kept his legs close to lighting.

I turned my head to look at Edward and he looked at me and he nodded his head.

I brought my legs in really fast and lighting took off like a rocket.

I started laughing. I heard Edward laughing too. "They were 5 miles back." He told me.

I slid my hand back to his leg to spell on his leg.

We can't camp. They were to close. Lighting will lead us to the next safe spot.

I know! Or we just go to the cave. We can stop to eat long enough to water the horses and find a hiding spot for the puppy." I nodded my head.

All of sudden lighting whipped around. "What the fuck! Someone was 10 miles ahead. Lighting go north." Edward told him.

Lighting whipped around to the north. My eyes widen.

"Your brother just told me to go north then go back." I just nodded my head.

All I could think of is we were getting close.

"I got a plan but you're not going to like it. Don't worry I'm not leaving you. Lighting find a safe place." I looked at Edward confused.

Lighting runs into a cave and Edward gets off and helps me down.

Then he pulls the first aid kit out and looks through it and pulls the scissors out.

I looked between the scissors and him. Then I signed.

What the fuck do you plan on doing with those?

He gave me a serious look. He set the scissors down and started to sign to me.

I am going to cut your hair short baby. It will grow back. Now listen to me before you freak out on me please.

I actually started to back away until I hit the wall.

With your hair short they won't recognize you. Plus I use the peroxide in your hair and it might just lighten it just enough to change the color. Make you look different like a guy. Even though that sounds wrong.

I think I get what he saying though and I tip my head to the side.

I nodded my head. He helped me get everything off down to my tank top.

He redid my ponytail and put it as close to my head as he could. Then started cutting.

Then he started to give my sides like a feather look.

Then he took the bottle of peroxide and made me tip my head down and started working it through my hair.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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