the start of living on our own

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      Bella pov

We were just having fun after everyone left.

We picked up the kids and even started dancing with them.

Edward finally cleaned up the kitchen when I fed the kids there afternoon bottles and changed them and laid them down for their afternoon naps.

I went and started the laundry and as I went and hung the first load my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

I took it out and a trapped camera was set off 5 miles from here.

"Bella set the alarm in the barn." I ran into the barn and pressed in the code.

I ran back into the cabin and that's when Edward ran back outside to set all the rest of the other alarms.

I went and load the rifles and set them by the doors.

I ran through the cabin and shut the hoods on all the windows and hurried and carried the twins to the play pen and laid them in it and shut all the lights off just as Edward ran in and set the alarm for the house and he came and took me into his arms as another alarm went off on our phone.

"Another trap camera 4 miles out." He got on the phone and called my papa.

"Yeah, we set them all and Bella shut everything off and shut all the hoods." He told papa.

Just then a property alarm went off and there was a explosion.

I tightened my grip on Edward. "You what Charlie?" Just then another property alarm went off and another explosion went off and I climbed Edward like a damn monkey terrified out of my damn mind.

"It's alright baby. Your dad planted explosives when property alarms get triggered." He laughed and I slapped him in the back of the head and still put a death grip on him when a trap camera alarm goes off.

"It worked." He was still laughing and I wasn't letting go. That scared the ever living hell out of me.

I looked down at the kids. How the how are they still sleeping through this I buried my face into Edward neck and started crying.

"Charlie I got to go. Whow, whow baby. It's alright I got you your safe." I was shaking.

Edward sat down. He took his hand and was rubbing my back.

"Maybe your dad should of warned of what he did. God I didn't think it effect you this way." He told me.

"Charlie next time you need to tell us you do shit like that. Bella so god damn terrified right now, I'm having a hell of time to calm her down. She fucking shaking and has a damn grip on me. I can't even get her lose." It went quite.

"You weren't thinking? Really Charlie! Give me a god damn break here. After you knew what the both of went through with Alice and went to that damn cave and you weren't fucking thinking to tell us you buried explosives." I heard him hang up and he wrapped his arms back around me.

"I got you baby, your safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you if I can help it." I started to relax a little.

      Edward pov

She finally started to relax and she made me go outside with her while she finished up the laundry.

We went in and I started dinner and Bella hands me a beer.

"After the kids go and to bed you want to go to the watering hole and have a bath and maybe tomorrow go into town and get the stuff to make a outside shower?" She smiled and signed.

Can we take the beast?

I laughed. "Of course we can." I told her.
I finished cooking and put our plates on the table.

"So besides doing that tomorrow. What else do you want to do when we get back." She tipped her head to the side thinking and then a shitty ass grin appeared on her face and she put down her fork and signed.

Two tracking.

I started laughing. "Off you do." I said. "But I'm driving this time." I told her. She put this giddy smile on her face.

Then her face went sad. "Oh,oh! I don't like that face or what I feel. Is it because a certain someone is well, and we can't have fun tonight?" She nodded.

I took her hand into mine. "Look at me baby." She looked up at me. "This marriage is not based on that, it's based on love. Even though I enjoy that part too." I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss and go back to eating.

She finally put a smile back on her and I reached over and put my hand on the side of her face.

"That's my girl." I told her and she giggled.

We were finally able to go to bed that night and Bella fell asleep before I did.

I laid there holding Bella in my arms thinking about everything that has happened up until now and then I realized our first anniversary was coming up when we first got together is coming up.

I wanted to do something special for Bella even though we will have the kids here.

Make one of her favorite dinners. Fry chicken and carrot cake of course. I could do a whole day of her favorites.

Switch the fry chicken for lunch and make ribs on the grill and make my homemade barbecue sauce. I can do while we're at work on the farm and make it a family thing.

I reached over and texted Charlie everything I needed for that day and he told me he have it all for me and I sent him a list of appliances and all the food I would need while we were there at work and to write on it not to touch it.

He told me no problem and to go ahead and keep everything here when we're finally able to move back in the house because he was buying everything brand new from beds to cribs and it was a surprise for Bella.

All we had to do is bring back the food and clothes.

I deleted the messages from Charlie and felt loads better and wrapped my arms back around Bella and fell back asleep.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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