another work day and fun

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      Bella pov

I woke up to the smell of coffee and breakfast. I looked and noticed the door was open and I smiled.

I could hear Edward working so I knew he felt safe and he was close.

I got up and wrapped the sleeping bag around me because I was in no mood to get dressed at the moment and I was still tired.

I went and poured myself a cup of coffee and went back into the tent and sat down and enjoyed it.

Then I saw Edward head pop through the door of the tent.

"Seriously!" I just nodded my head and he came in and sat next to me and I looked into his eyes.

"Well we did have a rough day and kinda long night last night." I giggled as I leaned over against him.

I reached up and started to rub my shoulder because I was still kinda sore from beating the shit out of the bitch.

"Still sore?" I nodded. "Well you kinda did go a little overboard beating the hell out of the slut, although she had it coming for what she said." I giggled.

"Why don't you get dressed and come out and have some breakfast. I made your favorite." I looked up at him with a great big smile and started kissing all over the face for a big thank you. "Your welcome baby." He chuckled and got up and walked out and I got dressed and looked and boy oh boy. Blueberry pancakes and my eyes widened and I whipped my head around and looked at bacon. Yummy bacon. This man really loves me. He finally saw my face and laughed and signed eat. So that's what I did to eat.

After I was done I got up and started working and helped Edward put up new fencing but I was starting to get hot and I took off my flannel.

But the more I worked the hotter I got and this stupid bullet proof vest was making me boil and it was getting heavy.

I started stomping my feet and I was getting frustrated and I started throwing shit.

       Edward pov

All of a sudden something went flying by my head and I snapped my head around and Bella was having a fit.

She looked like she was really hot and she was yanking on the bullet proof vest.

Then it hit me. She must be boiling in that damn thing.

I ran over to her and calmly put my hands on her shoulders and she looked up at me and stopped.

"Okay, we're or I'm going to take this off. You are over heated and then I'm going to take you slowly to the watering hole and put you in it because if I don't I don't want to think of what can happen. Work with me here." She never moved her eyes from me and I knew right then she had heat exhaustion from that damn thing.

I took it off and the minute I did her eyes rolled back in her head and I had to catch her.

"Fuck!" I hurried and laid her in the tent so I could get the gun off of her and take my bullet proof vest off and I gently picked her up and I took her to the watering hole and slowly walked in.

I went deep enough so I could still stand but yet she was still above water.

"Come on baby wake up for me." Her eyes snapped open and she quickly sat up and wrapped her arms around me.

"No more damn bullet proof vest." I told her. She relaxed more and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

      Bella pov

I turned my head into his neck as I was trying to get my head straight when an idea came to my head I could have a little fun while we were in the water and we both could cool off before we went back to work.

I just knew the thing that would do the trick too but I will try just a couple things first.

I started to kiss his neck. "I do have to get back to work or will never get done." He told me.

Damn it that didn't work. I started to suck on his ear.

"Baby, you know you just passed out and had exhausted." Fuck he just don't take a hint. Last but worked last time. Let's see if it works this works time.

It bit down on his shoulder and moved my hips at the same time.

"Oh for the love of God.“ His lips were on mine so quickly and our clothes were gone and it worked.

I giggled into his neck as he was holding me in his arms in the water.

"You play dirty and you found a way to get my attention real quick." I started laughing. "Now I have to figure out yours. You don't play fair." I laughed even harder.

We got out of the water and went and put dried clothes on.

Edward started lunch and his phone rang. "You know Charlie, I'm going to give you your own ringtone for when you call so I can start ignoring it." I started laughing as I leaned over Edward back and started kissing his neck and he was chuckling.

"Sure hold on." I watched as he put it on speaker phone. "You got me on speaker now goof ball?" Pap asked.

"Yes Charlie!" I buried my face into Edward's neck laughing.

"Now baby girl, I just found out they got your video and they got warrants out now. Plus you don't have to go to court because you provided the video and since you have doctors proof aka Dr. Carlisle Cullen's records that state you cannot speak." I was doing a little Happy dance against Edwards back which made him chuckle.

"That makes her really happy." Edward told papa. "Oh Bella cannot wear the bullet proof vest when it is hot. I had an incident today with her and she had heat exhaustion." Edward told papa.

"That's not good. I guess she goes without it then. She usually gets them shot first before they even have a chance anyways." Edward starts laughing.

"She never misses her mark either." I slid around and sat on Edward lap facing him acting like I was looking down at the phone but I had other ideas as they started talking again.

I bit down on Edward shoulder and moved my hip at the same time.

"Fuck!" He said. "What was that Edward?" I did it again. "Charlie I got to go" He hurried and hung up the phone and picked me up and took me to the tent and not another word was said.

Well sort of.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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