Chapter 2

203 2 1

Word count: 2,060

Warnings: None

*3 months later*

"Stop with these lies, Nick!" Maria angrily yelled as she slammed her fists on Fury's desk "We've already been looking for this child for 3 months but we found no trace of them. Natasha it's a wreck. She barely can keep it together anymore. I told you not to play with her feelings like this."

Fury sighed as he leaned backward into his chair "I already told you, Agent Hill. We're trying our best to find Agent Romanoff's child. We're making slow progress because there is little to no documented information about that experiment, so therefore we have no trace of the child or lead that could help us find it."

"If you were not sure that this child actually exists why did you make me tell Natasha that somewhere out there, her biggest dream was existing and waiting for her to go and bring it home?!" Maria's eyes filled up with unshed tears

God, only the thought of how bad Natasha is feeling right now makes her want to burn Fury alive because he made her tell her lover a lie and give her false hope.

"The child exists, Hill." Fury calmly replied "We just need to find it."

"Do you have any idea in what state Natasha is right in this moment as we talk? She's a crying mess!" Maria shouted "Nick, she falls asleep crying every night while hugging a small pillow tightly to her chest, pretending it's her baby. She bought all sorts of things a child might need like toys, stuffed animals, children's books, plastic plates with cute drawings on them, just everything her child might ever need, and even more! She read hundreds of parenting books in the last 3 months, she called Clint's wife daily for bits of advice and answers to random questions that would pop up in her mind about a child."

Fury took Maria's small break to inhale as an opportunity to stop her yelling and firmly spoke to his most trusted agent "Maria, I promise that Natasha will have her child very soon in her arms. I'm going to pull more strings and find more information about her child. As soon as I know what we're looking for, I'll send undercover people to each and every single one of HYDRA's bases. Natasha will have her child."

Maria leaned over Fury's desk "You have 3 days to find out all the information we need to be able to send the agents into the field to find the child. I'll lead the operation myself and have every single one of them under my watch." She whispered through grinning teeth "But if you fail I swear I'm going to burn you alive."

Fury nodded "You have my word, Agent Hill. In 3 days you'll have a file with all the personal information about Romanoff's child in your hands. Delivered by me personally. Now you're dismissed."

Maria nodded and turning around, she walked out of the office.

Her destination?

Natasha's bedroom.

Or better said...

Their bedroom.


Natasha opened her eyes and found herself in the middle of a meadow.

Colorful flowers surrounded her, the green grass filling her nostrils with its scent as a light breeze blew on her face, making her untied hair that had only one small braid on the side wave in the slightest.

She looked around herself then up at the clear blue sky and smiled.

She felt a sense of peace and happiness.

Looking down, she found herself wearing a beautiful white dress that reached her knees.

But Natasha knew this quiet moment couldn't last for much time.

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