Chapter 3

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Word count: 1,433

Warnings: None

Time seemed to pass in slow motion as both Natasha and Maria were waiting.

Natasha, was waiting for Maria to fulfill her promise.

Maria, was waiting for Fury to fulfill his promise.

It was on the third day that Fury fulfilled his promise like he said he would.

It was 2 a.m. and both Maria and Natasha were fast asleep.

Maria was the first one to hear the knock on the door.

She got out of bed after sparing a quick glance at her girlfriend to make sure she was still asleep.

Maria knew Natasha was exhausted. Tonight was another night she cried herself to sleep. The bear and the pillow not missing from her arms.

At that moment Maria thought Natasha was so fragile, so defenseless, and in need of comfort.

Opening the door, the brunette found Fury standing there with a file in his hand.

"Agent Hill." Fury nodded as a way of greeting his right-hand person

"Sir." Maria nodded back

"I'm sorry for this late hour but I have news that could not suffer a delay and that needed to reach you and Agent Romanoff immediately." Fury stated

Maria's heart tightened in her chest as her stomach suddenly made a flip.

Fury's late visit could mean only one thing.

He found Natasha's child.

"As I promised. Here it is." Fury handed Maria the file in his hand "Here is every information you will need. Every man I have it's under your command and will listen to every single one of your orders till the mission is completed. But I want this mission to be successful. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir! I do, Sir!" Maria responded as her eyes filled up with tears "Thank you so much, Nick. This..." She held up the file "Means everything for me. And I know that for Natasha too."

Fury allowed himself to smile a little for once in his life "Natasha deserves this more than anybody in the world. Make this worth and make both of them happy. Romanoff and her child."

"I will, Sir." Maria tried to hide the wide smile that was making its way onto her face

Fury nodded and without any parting words, he left.

Maria looked at the cover of the file for a few moments, not being able to control her happiness.

For a split second, she reached out to open the file but quickly stopped herself from doing so.

It's not her that should be opening the file first. It's Natasha. She deserves it. It is her right.

Maria walked back to bed and gently shook her girlfriend awake.

"Love, can you please wake up? There's something important you need to see." Maria whispered as she moved Natasha's hair out of her eyes

Natasha turned on her back and opening her eyes, she looked at Maria with a mix of worry and confusion.

"Mia? What happened?" Natasha asked as she looked at the clock on her nightstand "It's 2:25 a.m."

"Can you please sit up for me?" Maria kept her voice soft

Natasha nodded and sat up crossed legs as she rubbed her eyes to help her wake up fully. The teddy bear never once fell from her arms.

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