Chapter 1

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Izzy was slurping her soda after coming out of the theaters with Hitch, Zipp , Pipp and Misty she sighed and said:" that was a great movie

Pipp spoke:" eh it could be idk better without that green stuff

Zipp smirks and said:" you mean the alien oil blood

Pipp gagged and said:" yeah that

Hitch sighed and said:" well I'm glad you ponies like it because I think sparky like some of it

Spark laughed and nodded

Misty said:" eh it was fine I just wish the deceptaponys weren't scary  * shudders* shockpony face was creepy with the one eye

Izzy sighed and said:" I wish Sunny was able to come with us she would have loved to see the movie

Hitch sighed and said:" she busy with the recent discovery with twilights book

Zipp raised her eyebrow and said:" huh that's interesting maybe I'll help her out with that

Pipp saw Misty looking at the sky she looks up and gasp and said:" look shooting stars

The ponies watched Pipp said:" I remember they are a rare sight to see

Misty smiled and said:" and can grant wishes but mostly they aren't  true

Pipp jokingly said:" oh like saying I wish for a new hoofacure idea

Misty nodded and said:" yeah that's or maybe * looks at the sky:" maybe finding a new discovery or maybe finding something interesting

Zipp rolled her eyes and said highly doubt it but it's a shot I guess

The 5 ponies laughed but at the brighthouse Sunny was reading a book she read outloud:" I Twilight Sparkle thank you for saving us from Megatron thank you Optimus Prime

Sunny rubs her chin she looks out in the sky and saw a shooting star she spoke:" Optimus Prime ? Who are you

Nebulong system

Optimus Prime audiolog:" cybertron has been taken by the decepticons Megatron has followed us into the outer realm of space.... We must abandon our ship the coordinates of the planet what I remember long ago...* static* * exploding * Autobots departure contact us when u fine the planet Equis it's are only hope

Equis was being played back over again and again

A deep voice came out:" enough Soundwave I heard plenty

Soundwave nodded as it watch its leader walks looking out in space it's red optics looking he spoke:" send Blackout, Barricade and Blitzwing to the pods I want them to find this Equis planet and report back to me their findings and they won't stop until they find it

Soundwave nodded and then turned and walk slowly away

Megatron eyebrow narrowed as the three pods left into the meteor path he spoke:" I will find you Prime and the planet Equis and take every last spark of energon down to the very core

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