Chapter 5

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Sunny was looking at the picture of a yellow and black creature on the tv

Hitch gulps and said:" well that's disturbing

Zipp looked like it couldn't be real face

Pipp gasp and said:" look it's on live

The ponies switch the channel as Dazzle feather was with the Chairman and Queen Haven

Dazzle Feather Spoke:" do we know how or who saw the creature

Chairman spoke calmly:" a pony named Posey and Windy were on a trail as of three filly's who saw it

Peach fizz yelled:" it had blue eyes , yellow body

Seashell spoke next:" and black stripes and super shiny

Random pony spoke:" wouldn't that be a bumblebee

Glory raised her eyebrows and said:" I don't think bumblebee's wouldn't walk on two legs and a size of our house

Posey yelled at the camera:" it was a monster it was almost bigger than our house * grabs the camera * than our house

Security pony:" grab her * tackles posey*

Dazzle Feather looks out the window and said:" my hoofness look

The camera pony looks outside as they see the creature running until it got hit by a armor vehicle

Chairman spoke:" Queen Haven i advice you and the rest stay here

The chairman gotten out of the vehicle

Dazzle Feather and the rest came to the side

Bumblebee slowly stood up and had his hands up and he said:" please

Chairman spoke:" hold fire

Bumblebee spoke:" we aren't here to hurt anyone

Chairman spoke:" they why did you run

Bumblebee was about to speak but a jet sound came

The ponies and the chairman all looked back and saw a jet flying towards them

Chairman spoke:" what is that...?

Bumblebee spoke in shock:" run

The chairman turns back then yelled:" everypony get out

Blitzwing mini rockets comes out and starts to shoot at the mountain area

The 5 ponies gasped at this as they saw ponies flying to the side

The camera was picked up as it looks back and saw the jet transforming as it growled and pinned Bumblebee to the mountain as he yelled in pain

Blitzwing yelled:" you think you could hide

Bumblebee got of of Blitzwing grip and kicked him in the face and rolled over

Dazzle yelled as Blitzwing flew over bumblebee:" it seems like these creatures are fighting * vehicle shifts * and it seems we're over the edge

Blitzwing blocked bumblebee and hit lower then upper as he landed close to the chairman vehicle

Dazzle saw they were leaning backwards she yelled:" get out

Camera pony yelled:" it's locked

The ponies yelled as they were falling but saw bumblebee hand grab them

Bumblebee spoke:" are you okay

Queen Haven, Dazzle Feather and the camera pony nodded their heads

A hand grabbed Bumblebee and pulled him back with the vehicle rolling over on its back

Blitzwing yelled:" you will die like your bro..* get double kicked by Bumblebee *

Blitzwing flew upward as Bumblebee energon blade came out and stabbed Blitzwing engine making them fly upwards and hit the mountain top

Dazzle panted and said:" did you see that

The camera pony kicks the window and looks upward

Blitzwing raises his arm and starts his ion Burst at Bumblebee he growled and grabs Bumblebee:" where is the spark

Bumblebee spoke:" I will never talk

Blitzwing chuckles his red eyes glowed:" good* now let's make this permanent for a insect like you * Blitzwing hand transforms into a needle *

Bumblebee struggles but Blitzwing thrust his arm into Bumblebee neck then pulls out as oil leeks out

Bumblebee optics read voice modulator broken

Blitzwing let's go of Bumblebee as he tumbles down the ground and lands 5 ft from the vehicle

Blitzwing jumps down he grabs Bumblebee and said:" B-127 you are under arrest of despticon rule and with this your punishment is terminat...

Arcee yelled:" let him go * points her blaster *

Blitzwing turns and saw Arcee he growled:"Arcee

Bumblebee grabs Blitzwing Armand rips off the cover for his mini rockets he grabs one and shoved it into his chest plate

Blitzwing let's go of bumblebee and tries to pull it out he turns then saw Arcee shot as he yelled no * blows up*

Arcee went to Bumblebee she said:" Bee you okay

Bumblebee beeped at her

Arcee looks him over and see the damage she hissed:" scrap seems you voice Modular is broken

Arcee heard hoofsteps she stood up and look back and she saw the guard ponies had their horns glowing

Arcee aimed at them but bumblebee put his hands up and he nodded to Arcee she retransformed her arms then said:" like my friend said we come in peace

The camera turns off

The 5 ponies watch in shock as sunny turns the tv off

Izzy spoke:" * eyes gleamed* cooooolllll

*The Nemesis *

Blitzwing yelling noo as he blows up on repeat by Soundwave track

Starscream growled:" so it seems the Autobots are at the planet my master

Megatron spoke calmly:" I expected of this Blitzwing judgment to fight was on him but now we know wher prime is going we don't need our little information

Dropkick toss a red Autobot and four more autobots

The red one spoke:" I am Autobot cliffjumper

Megatron spoke:" I know who you are but now I don't need any prisoners

Cliffjumper saw Megatron he saw him walking to a Autobot soldier as he blasted him with his riot cannon

Cliffjumper saw megatron look him at his eyes megatron spoke:" it time we Decpticons even out the battle one by one

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