Chapter 7 part 2

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Glory with tear in her eyes spoke to Sprout:" We ran away and when we looked back

Seashell yelled:" Peach fizz was gone

Sprout sighed and said:" ok...ok right now Hitch is gone talking with whatever or hoofever those thing are but right now it's probably nothing

Glory spoke:" but it took Alphabittle

Sprout snorted then said:" ok fine I'll see if anyone is free

Misty spoke:" um what going on

Sprout turned and saw Misty he said:" ugh these two say they saw some spider thing

Seashell spoke:" but we did

Glory spoke next:" and it took Peach fizz and Alphabittle and Onyx and dapple

Misty saw sprouts rolling his eyes she said:" hey if they said they saw something it worthy to check it out right

Sprout groaned and said:" ugh fine I guess so

Arcee spoke behind them:" what are you two talking about

Sprout jumps and saw Arcee her arms crossed he said:" just detective work why you ask

Arcee spoke:" Optimus told me to do recon on your planet where the most energon is going to be your friend told me that a place called Briddlewood may have some sort of energon

Misty rub her chin and said:" I guess that makes sense

Sprout grumble then said:" ugh fine let's go

Misty got on Izzy motorbike as sprout sat at the back while Arcee transformed and the both headed to Briddlewood

* Airachnid ship*

Alphabittle groan and slowly opened his eyes he looks around and saw he was upside down he shook his head and saw Onyx and Dapple web together sleeping he then heard a whimper as he saw Peach Fizz shaking looking ahead he look her way and saw a statue of some sort of beast

Alphabittle grunted and then heard footsteps he saw a tall faceless thing walking slowly the their was some light tapping he looks up to see a feminine thing with spider like appendages drops down she smiled and said:" soundwave im not surprised that megatron has you following me

Soundwave just a blank stare at her

Airachnid sighed and opened her hand and said:" I think this will do you well for megatron * shows a crystal *

Soundwave tentacles come out of his chest and grabs the crystal as it went into his body

Airachnid smiles and says:" well what do you think

Alphabittle saw Soundwave tilted his head Airachnid smiles then frowns as a meh emoji came on soundwave face with a low battery

Airachnid growls and said:" this planet has full of them how much will you need

Soundwave screen went blank and show a infinity emoji

Airachnid snarled:"  and what about my deal

Soundwave looks at her with a blank screen expression

Airachnid snarled then said:" well then if he wants me to join then I will...but I get to do my own rules for my trophies... and my minions will do my bidding

Soundwave just gave a curt nod then turned he stopped as a beeping sound came as Lazerbeak connected to his chest and Airachnid spoke:" what do you pet found

Soundwave face shows Misty with sprout on Izzy motorbike with them made Airachnid smile she said:" well well seems I do get something in return

Soundwave screen face went a blank he turns as a transporter beam enter Airachnid ship and he walks into it and he disappears

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