Chapter 6

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*Maretime bay*

Hitch spoke:" ok me are Zipp are going to speak to the creatures while you take care of Sparky at Briddle wood tell Misty we say hi

Izzy waved her hoof and said:" don't worry we promise will be safe * speeds off with her scooter *

As Hitch and Zipp were about to heads towards the Maretime bay hanger they heard Sunny yelled:" wait

Zipp and Hitch looks and saw Sunny with her saddle bag she said:" let me come with you I want to see these creatures

Zipp looks at Hitch he smiles she sighed and said:" ok fine but this is all classified got it

Sunny smiled and said:" don't worry I'll Zitch it

Sunny ran ahead of them as Zipp was thinking about what Sunny said

Hitch sighed and said:" it just Sunny let's go

Zipp and Hitch ran after her towards the hanger


Alphabittle was looking at the footprints he rub his chin and said:" this is weird

Misty asked him:" What could made this

Alphabittle looks around it and said:" I don't know looks upwards:" but whatever it is it hurting the ground and the trees

Movement came in the bushes the two ponies stopped then a yelling of pipp came from her and Izzy as they landed on the large footprint

Misty spoke in shock:" Izzy...Pipp * see Sparky* sparky what brings you guys here

Izzy smiled and said:" well Hitch and Zipp went to meet some creatures so Hitch wanted us to take sparky here on a trip

Pipp got off and said:" and I went to search some new smells for mane melody

Alphabittle sighed and said:" well last night we heard a big noise so we came out we saw this

The ponies saw they where onto of a large footprint

Izzy spoke:" huh yeah that's something

Sparky jumps down and sniff then growls at it

Pipp spoke:" and he doesn't seem to lay it as well

Misty rub her head and said:" well what ever it is I Hope it doesn't stay here

The four ponies turned to head back to Briddlewood Sparky looks back just as a dark thing moved

Sparky then was picked up by Izzy he looks back and saw nothing he cooed and looked away

A metal hand moved the tree ripping it out of its roots the audio censor spoke:" Barricade this is Blackout

Barricade growled silently:" what is it

Blackout spoke:" You must find this creature called Pipp petals im sending you a picture of her I believe her friend may know we're the spark of energon is

Barricade optics saw the picture of pipp he laughed and said:" seems like this will be easy enough for me

Barricade transformed and follow them silently through the forest

* Maretime bay hanger*

The doors opened as four guards walked with Sunny , Hitch and Zipp they saw Arcee and Bumbleebee standing

Bumblebee beep at Arcee and she nodded and said:" I guess so as well

Hitch spoke in a whisper:" wondering what that are talking about

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