Chapter 3

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Sunny groaned she walks down stairs she grabs her cereal and turns on the tv she saw it was muted as Skye Silver and Dazzle Feather were talking

Skye Silver:" breaking news report of the general of Saddle Arabia named Spark Dali haven't answered the calls yet of Queen Haven

Dazzle feather added:" that's completely correct the last call was from one of her guards that was their to make diplomatic arrangements Thunder Flap was his name

The screen shows Thunder was in the base bunker with Zoom

Thunder spoke:" wish you were able to come * static * Zoom your getting blurry and cutting off

Mafouz yelling behind:" Thunder something just lan... *cuts off*

Dazzle feather said:" as you can see something has happened to the video of his flypad

Skye Silver said lastly:" we are informed that Zoom and the Queen wants to do a investigation later today

Dazzle Feather said:" our only hope is that these ponies are alright

* saddle Arabia *

* Dazzle on the tv glitches as she says alright*

A board moves as the general and some saddle Arabian guards and desk pony comes out of the debris  looking at the destroyed base

General Spark grunts and says:" is their power

Desk pony looking at the computer and says:" no it's dead

General Spark heard helicopters coming in he said:" everypony hide

The ponies hide they then saw the metal door banging then burst open more guards came out

The guards yelled:" anyone else alive

General Spark came out and said:" we are alive

Guard pony went to them and said:" sir what happened here

General spark coughed and said:" some sort of...creature?... is their any survivors

The guard shrugged

General Spark gritted his teeth and he said:" we need to get to the centerpoint now

* Maretime bay*

Sunny groaned and said:" I don't know Izzy these books maybe something important or scary to these fillies I don't want them to get nightmares

Izzy looks over the books and said:" well I guess some can go to Pipp scary book collection like this * pulls up a picture of strange lettering*

Pipp looks at it and says:" nah not much of freaky stuff I can't read... Maybe Zipp?

Zipp enters and says:" Maybe Me what?

Pipp hoof over Zipp the letter Zipp looks it over and says:" sure... I guess I can try?

Sunny sighed and said:" I guess so....

Hitched yelled down stairs:" hey ponies check this out

The ponies ran down the stairs and saw Hitch and Misty watching tv showing head chairman of the centerpoint he cleared his throat with his hoof he said:" ponies we have information that we found only 4 ponies that survive the attack but... their could be more out in the saddle Arabian desert for some time this is what we have listed as ponies missing in action Epps , Brightlight, sleetfoot, Sali hoof, Mafouz, and lastly Thunder Flap

All 6 ponies looked nervous then the chairman spoke:" we think this was a attack by something of what we don't know the sound effects are questionable but we have many ponies looking for this kind sound and we will find these ponies at our last cost chairman out

The 6 ponies all look very unsettled at this then they heard ponies outside they all ran out and saw the ponies looking at a meteor shower

Zipp watch it and said:" huh another meteor shower at the same night?

Misty spoke:" could it be a sign?

Sunny looks at it then said:" I guess it could be something * blinks* but what

High mountains

A yellow hand moved aside a rock he looks around then jumps down a voice came from his audio censors:" Bumblebee report have you located Equis

Bumblebee looks around and said:" yeah Optimus but it seems like it change sense last time

Optimus spoke:" probably so it's been three light years from the last time we came here the pony we are looking for is Sunny Starscout she is the leader of them whatever you do protect them at all cost will come as soon as we can

Bumblebee spoke:" alright but it seems like they are on high alert  I try to conceal myself

Feminine voice behind him:" I bet we can do that

Bumblebee looks behind and see Arcee jumps down and walks she spoke:" If any of Megatron troops are here I'm sure we can Scrap them

Bumblebee nodded then transformed into the car as Arcee ran and jumped as she transformed into a motorcycle

*Saddle Arabia desert*

Thunder walked with the ponies they went underneath a cave

Epps looking at his camera he said:" that thing it's out of this world * toss it to Thunder*

Thunder looks at it and said:" whatever it is we need to get it back to the center point

Movement from the sand came near by

Brightlight spoke:" my mother she told me stories see even saw scary stuff

Scorponnok eyes looked as it watch the ponies talking:" we have no communication at all

Thunder looks at Mafouz and Epps:" how far is your village

Mafouz spoke:" not that far maybe over the ridge their a water well then we just take a left and where their

Thunder sighed and said:" ok my best guess we head out now and will be able to reach before nightfall

The ponies nodded their heads unaware that they were being followed by something underneath behind them

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