Chapter 2

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As in orbit what look like a shooting star was coming down fast as it hit the sandy ground a giant metal hand rise up with metal footsteps it looks around then saw another one of it hit the ground over 5 miles away from it it's censors scanning the area it saw where the other stood up and transformed into a helicopter and flys away

A voice came from his audio sensors:" Blitzwing report have you and Blackout found the planet

Blitzwing gravely voice spoke:" We have found the planet Equis and it seems like Blackout found something on this planet Starscream

* static* well follow him...Barricade in route at your location of this plant if it has substantial of energon then will snuff out this plant Starscream

Blitzwing groaned then runs and transformed in a jet and trailed off to follow Blackout

* Royal guard base camp *

Thunder was sitting on a chair as a saddle Arabian guard named Epps spoke:" so you are from Zephyr heights what is it like their

Thunder smiles and said:" well mostly it's full of other ponies ruled by Queen Haven just feel bad that Zoom couldn't come here but we made promises to do calls

The epps nodded and said:" ah I know I can't wait to go back home I be meeting my Marefriend later on tomorrow maybe before you head out I show you a picture of my village my son of course likes you and always able to help

Thunder smile then said:" will do

Thunder saw the saddle Arabian guard left with that Thunder felt his flypad buzzing he smile and see Zoom he said:" hey Zoom

5 miles away a humming sound came as Blackout spoke in cybrotronian:" ታሪኮ ስላት ሪድ ፍላይ ቯ ድሬቪ ኢት ኡ ታክ ስላት ድሬቪ ስላት ጥ ኡ ጥ ታክ አ ዳንስ ዳንስ ታሪኮ ጃምፓ ፍላይ ኮክ m ስላት ድሬቪ ጃምፓ ስላት ፍላይ ቯ ሶ ኮክ ሊስን ጥ s ሊስን ፍላይ ድሬቪ( we found a Nest shall we commence our mission)

Blitzwing spoke in cybertronian:" ዣ ስላት ጥ ታሪኮ ስላት ጥ ታክ አ ዳንስ l ወሬት ስላት ኡ አ ጥ ኮክ ቯ ጃምፓ ታክ ኢት አ ኡ አ ፍላይ ሪድ f ኡ ታክ ሊስን ጥ ስዊም ዳንስ አ ድሬቪ ስላት ኡ አ ዳንስ l ታክ አ ሊስን ዳንስ ኮክ ስላት ወሬት አ ኡ ፍላይ ድሬቪ( get as much data off this planet...all hail Megatron

Blackout turned and follow the electric current towards the base of saddle Arabia

A tower was nearby as a general was looking out seeing something in the distance he narrow his yes and said:" ponies we have some unusual aircraft in saddle Arabia I want every pony to be on watch

A desk pony said:" our electronics their being glitched

Blackout landed onto the ground

Desk pony said:" sir it's coming from that thing it's jamming us

Thunder saw static coming from his flypad he said:" Zoom something going on I call you as soon as I can

Thunder saw epps son Mafouz he said:" Thunder somepony or thing landed at on one of the landing pads

Thunder grab his canteen and staff and said:" ok will check it out

Saddle Arabian General spoke as the guards surrounded them with debris holding their weapons closely

The General spoke:" unidentified aircraft show yourself right now

The saddle Arabians watch as they saw the aircraft propellers stopped and folded back then it electronically rumbled and screeched as it slowly transformed

Saddle Arabian general:" my hoofness

The saddle Arabians guards ran and hide as Blackout started blasting the ground hitting the debris as the guards ducked away he walked as he cover his face as the lights hit him he swings his arm hitting the debris towards a building then shot a sonic wave blast into the ground the tower broke as the antennas where short circuiting

Thunder saw Epps he ran and said:" that thing destroyed the attennas station we need to leave now we're under attack

Blackout shot another sonic blast destroying the building then began blasting from his arm cannon then sent a sonic blast afterwards it looks as it saw the file station he ripped the covering off and grabbed the transmission the wires connecting to it as the saddle Arabian General yelled:" he going after the files cut it off

Saddle Arabian guard yelled:" I need a key sir

The General kicked the door but was to late Blackout saw Maretime bay and the other areas then saw Thunder pictures he let it go and walked away

Blackout spoke in cybertronian:" ሊስን ታክ አ ፅ ስላት ኡ ታክ ስላት ኢት አ ኡ አ ( I have the Data)

Blitzwing spoke:" ወሬት ፍላይ o ኢት ሊስን ኮክ ጥ ቯ ሶ ስላት ጥ ኡ አ ሶ ጥ ጃምፓ ሶ ስላት አ ኮክ ታሪኮ ፍላይ ቯ ዳንስ ኢት ዳንስ ሊስን ስንግ ስላት ኡ ታክ ሊስን ጥ ኢት አ ኡ አ ፍላይ ሶ ጥ ፍላይ ቯ ድሬቪ ኢት ታሪኮ አ ፅ ስላት ኢት ስላት ጥ ኡ ሶ ፍላይ ዣ ስላት ፅ ስላት ሶ ዣ ሶ ታክ ሊስን ድሬቪ ወሬት ዳንስ ስላት አ ፅ ስላት ድሬቪ ፍላይ ድሬቪ ስላት አ ዳንስ ሊስን ፅ ስላት ( Good Starscream will like this information maybe even Soundwave destroy everything leave nothing alive)

Blackout chuckles then saw the ponies getting into vehicles he kicks some sending them to the air and swatting them into buildings

Thunder was with Mafouz they ran and ducked down between some vehicles

Epps fall he turned and saw a metal leg he yelled and turned then saw the other he gotten up and saw Blackout

Blackout looks down and said:" ታክ ቯ ታክ( huh?)

Epps backs away and took a picture of Blackout

Blackout chest transformer into a camera and took a picture

Epps yelled:" Great Hoofness run

A saddle guard toss a flare and it blinded Blackout making him flinch

Blackout backside opened up and he ordered in cybrotronian:"ጥ ጃምፓ ፍላይ ሶ ስዊም ፍላይ ድሬቪ ስንግ ሪድ ፍላይ ዳንስ l ፍላይ ታሪኮ ኡ ታክ ስላት ኮክ ( Scorponnok follow them)

Scorponnok screeched and shot out of Blackout

Blackout saw the ponies running towards aircraft's he shot his sonic blast at them destroying the aircrafts

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