Chapter 7 part 1

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Posey was getting info from Sprout as he said:" well I don't know one all I see is a bunch of dirt

Posey spoke:" it landed on my roses that I planted and when I came out I saw more of those creatures talking

Sprout spoke:" listen the company said we will take care of it but right now Maretime bay got hit with something and it big news

* Maretime bay*

The ponies walked outside as they saw 5 of the cybrotronians staring at them

IronHide spoke:" I don't like how they are staring at us Optimus

Optimus Prime spoke to the ponies:" Hello my name is Optimus Prime and I...

The ponies began screaming running away and hiding behind chairs and pots until everything was quiet

Mirage spoke:" well dhat was something

A yellow and black vehicle moved as it opened up its doors and three ponies and a dragon came out it transformed

Pipp looks up and said:" ah wow you guys are really tall

Optimus Prime knees down and said:" are you the leader of this town or is she still here

Pipp cleared her throat and said:" um who would be she if I may say so I mean we have sunny starscout and my sister Princess Zephyrina Storm

Optimus Prime spoke:" the one with the Alicorn

* middle of the sky*

A group of birds were flying until they hit something they looked and saw it glowed around it as it was lowering down to the ground into some trees

* Maretime hanger*

Sprout ordered:" listen I have to talk to sunny about these creatures and I will go in their even if u are order by hitch

Mcsnippsalot clack his claws at Sprout making Sprout spoke:" I don't care just make it...* large footsteps behind him as a shadow cast down * their behind me

Sprout turns and slowly looks up as he saw Optimus Prime with Pipp on his shoulder

Pipp sighed and said:" sprout what are you doing here

Sprout shook his head and then said:" I was justa..gonna talk about Hitch about the big ditch that was made nearby posey yard

Mirage spoke:" ah yeah that's was my doing try to find the right course calculation

Sprout nervously laughed and said:" ah no problems I'll just uh go that way* walks away as he jumps to a bush*

Pipp cleared her throat and said:" well sorry about Sprout..he just didn't know how many of you were going to be here well I bet Sunny would be happy to meet you...

*Inside the hanger*

Sunny saw Optimus prime, Ironhide, Ratchet , Mirage, and sideswipe walking in slowly their optics looking around all but Optimus prime

Sunny gulps as she saw how tall Optimus prime was he looks down and knees as he spoke:" are you the one called Sunny starscout

Sunny gulps and says:" um yes sir...

Optimus prime spoke calmly:" is the princess Twilight sparkle here

Sunny spoke:" no sir it been years when princess Twilight was around

Ironhide spoke:" so your telling us their is no leader

Zipp spoke:" actually Sunny is what we call are leader as she has the alicorn

Ironhide looks down and said:" doesn't look like it

Optimus prime looks at Ironhide and said:" it's been a long time my friend it could be different now

Optimus prime looks at Sunny and said:" I see you have met the others the one on the left is Ironhide the weapon specialist and the one on the right is Ratchet the medic of our group

Ironhide just nodded to them and crossed his arms

Ratchet just smiles at them

Optimus Prime moved to the side and said:" these two are Mirage and Sideswipe our recon team

Sideswipe spoke:" greatly to meet your acquaintance

Mirage smiles and said to hitch:" you look like a chill person fist bump me pal

Hitch smiles and says:" sure * fist/hoof bumps Mirage*

Sunny saw Arcee and Bumblebee Optimus spoke:" I think you already met Arcee the lead recon team and the guardian of the group Bumblebee

Ratchet shoots a beam at bumblebee and sighed as bumblebee coughed Ratchet spoke:" seems that fight with Blitzwing destroyed his voice modulator many need a new parts to fix it up

Zipp spoke:" I think you need to tell us what is going on

Optimus prime looks at Zipp and said:" We came down here to protect your planet from someone dangerous because somewhere in your planet is a powerful source of energon

Hitch spoke:" and would that be

Optimus prime took a deep breath and said:" his name is Megatron and if he on his way then you are all in danger


Onyx was walking with Dapple

Onyx spoke in her monotone voice:" I sense something weird with the ground like sadness and pain

Dapple spoke calmly:" yeah like it's saying something like despair or maybe sadness

The two walked then onyx stopped and said:" wait * licks the ground then saw a thin web she lift it up * the tree here said they didn't want it on their it did it with out it's permission

Dapple spoke:" woah who would do that to the trees

Onyx pulled it then and thick web landed into them

Onyx monotone voice spoke:" woah that was something

Onyx saw thin spindly legs she looks back and saw a purple and black leg it poked her side as well as Dapple as a feminine voice spoke:" hmmm this looks like a good trophy for me

Alphabittle yelled:" hey

Alphabittle saw the figure slowly turns to him as a smile came from her lips she spoke:" hmmm you look like a good trophy as well * shoots a web*

Alphabittle horn glowed and blast a beam at the web destroying it he looks around and saw onyx and dapple gone he gritted his teeth then felt a poke and he jumped and turned around and saw her upside down he looked and saw a mark he felt wobbly as he heard peach fizz laughing with Glory and Seashell he saw them he saw them looking up scared

Alphabittle yelled:" you three run now

He saw them running away but Peach Fizz was shaking he saw the thin legs raised up then it all went black

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