Chapter 8

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*Cybrotron space station*

Static came from a room as sparks landed on the ground a voice came from a tv as the voice of megatron came:" hello their shockwave

Shockwave stopped and turned and said:" lord Megatron....I was just finishing up with the test of the type of energon that the prisoner have giving us from Soundwave if my calculations are correct then the planet will be enough energon for the cybrotronian empire

Megatron spoke calmly:" excellent news shockwave

Shockwave turned to the crushed crystal he placed it in the holding room and was as the crystal parts melted was transported to a energy storage cube as blue energy glow Shockwave grabbed a tube and scooped it turns his head see Megatron smiling

Megatron spoke gleefully:" energon

Shockwave spoke calmly:" pure of the purest energon if this planet has this many then will have enough to sustain our lifespan for the millennia...I will need more of them

Megatron spoke:" Our prisoner failed that part of the mission

Shockwave turned around then said:" then I shall come with you and the mission lord megatron I will need your exact location and a bigger hall for my pet

Megatron smiles and said:" don't worry your quarters are up to standers on the ship Shockwave and I'm sure what you have will be able to be on the ship will see you soon shockwave

Shockwave turned around and spoke calmly:" indeed we will my master *his optics looking at the balled up creature* and I'm sure that we will

*Maretime bay hanger*

Lazerbeak was looking at the window watching them as Arcee was talking to Optimus as the ponies listened

Arcee spoke:" I know it's her Optimus it seems like Megatron has many ways to have some scrap heap to do his dirty work

Optimus nodded and said:" then it seems we need to keep an eye on any decepticons are on this planet lucky Ratchet making a location transmitter for us incase have anymore

Ratchet spoke as he gently torch the panel:" will be lucky if it even works it can track any cybrotronian life form's even before they touch the ground only thing we know is that Barricade, Frenzy , Brawl , Blackout and Scorponnok , Bonecrusher as well

Mirage scoffed and said:" their Megatrons drones   We can still beat them * air fist*

Optimus prime spoke:" The are still as dangerous as any other cybrotronian Mirage

Mirage spoke:" all I'm saying Optimus...Megatron got to get his A game

Laserbeak lifts up and flys away into the sky as it went into space as he went past a meteorite and saw Soundwave looking at him he flys down and landed on his chest

Soundwave spoke:" downloading files

Soundwave face screen rapidly moved as it show the decepticon locater

*The Nemesis *

Shockwave was petting the Driller as it was taken away to its quarters he walks into the door of the control room and said:" lord Megatron I'm pleased to be in your presence once again

Megaton smiles and says:" as I am as well Shockwave we are closer to the planet I have hoped

Mixmaster turned around and spoke:" lord Megaton Soundwave sent a audio recording of what lazerbeak saw

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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