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Authors Note:

Hi guys! So I was just looking at my account and I realized that this story, The Mormon Girl, is ranked number 320 in the Spiritual Genre. Thank you guys so much for the votes for my book, and for being so supportive! The book gets really good from here so please continue reading! Love you guys!

The day after my blessing, I was released from the Hospital. I was told that I couldn't watch a lot of TV, be on my phone, or the computer. Also I couldn't do any 'thinking'. But that was okay with me, because according to my mom, my "friends" and "boyfriend" finally started to text me asking if I was ok. I honestly didn't care. Why they would wait 4 days, and not call, text, or visit? Because they are stupid that's why.

I actually got Victoria's number when she visited me, and with the little time I was allowed on my phone, we Face Timed and texted.

I love Victoria, she is so supportive and always there for me.  We were talking the other day about my other "friends" and Jake, and I actually started to cry.  I can't believe that I'm admitting this.  We were facetiming and I just became a waterfall.  And you know what?  She came over to my house to just hold me, and to tell me that everything was going to be okay.  I never knew how soothing others could be when you needed it the most.  Jake was just a player, and my friends were really just my friends to become popular.  

Sometimes I hate humanity.

But I have big news.

I went to church with Victoria yesterday.  It was actually very interesting.  I wore a strapless pink dress that went right below my knees.  When she picked me up, she ran upstairs to my closet, grabbed a jean jacket, and said, "You might want to wear this," and simply smiled.  Surprisingly, I actually liked it better that way.  I asked her why I 'wanted' to wear it, and she took a small skyblue booklet called "For the Strength of Youth" out of her purse, and flipped to page 6, 7 and 8.  I read it, and recognized the word immodest.  I felt proud that I knew what it meant.  She pointed to a couple different sentences:

"Your body is sacred. Respect it and do not defile it in any way.....When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and you can be a good influence on others.......Immodest clothing is any clothing that is tight, sheer, or revealing in any other manner....Young women should avoid short shorts, and short skirts, shirts that do not cover the stomach, and clothing that does not cover the shoulders or is low-cut in the front or the back.....'Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in the Lord's presence?'"

Wow. That was deep.  

We got to church and we had to sit down in the chapel, while we listened to people in her church give talks on topics that their religion believed in.  I felt peaceful in there.  The next hour we had Sunday school, where all the 12 and 13 year olds had class. Boys and girls.  I recognized some of the guys from school.  But they were at the bottom of the food chain, so I had never paid much attention to them.  But I hoped to change that.  Two of the guys kept staring at me with awe, then one of them called Victoria over to ask her something, but I only heard a small part of the short conversation.

"What.....doing here?" he said, "She's....most popular girl.....school! How did you get her.....church?!?"

Victoria just laughed and called me over.

The boy just stared with his mouth open.

"Justin, this is Charlotte. Charlotte, this is Justin,"  she said with a giggle in her voice, "I can tell that you guys will be good friends."

"Hi. Victoria told me that you are in the school's Jazz band.  What instrument do you play?" I asked.

"Uh....oh..umm...I play the trumpet....uhhhh......I'm Justin...," he said.

I giggled.


We had class then had the class for all the girls aging from 12-18.  It was called Young Womens.  The leaders were all very nice and welcoming, and so were the girls.  It was really fun.

When we started walking back to the car after our last class, she invited me to come to church next week.

I said yes.

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