True friends

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Disclaimer: Slight negative thoughts about suicide

The person who answered it was Malay.

"Singa? Why do you smell like alcohol?"

Singa walked into the house as Malay shut the door behind him. He said nothing as he placed the bottle on the counter and went to the shower.

The others had long gone home since by that point it had been evening. Malay, Indo, and Phil glanced at each other.

Phil looked at the bottle and examined it. "This bottle has Japan's flag on it. Is that who he was meeting?"

Indo snapped his fingers. "Maybe that's why Singa was trying to avoid my questions and could have lied when he left. He had a date with Japan!"

Indo smirked, knowing about a million ways to tease Singa with this information if it proved to be true.

Malay said nothing and remained silent.
'Singa might be dating Japan? They met with alcohol, too? I mean, they are childhood friends but dating?
I didn't know she was his type?

But then again, I don't know what his type even is?' Malay's thoughts became more jumbled until he heard someone calling his name.

"Malay? Malay!" Indo called. "You okay? You seem really in deep thought there?"

Malay shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Just... thinking about something,"

Indo wanted to comment about whether he had a crush on Singa, but the bathroom door then opened.

Out came a wet haired Singa with a towel around his waist. He frowned and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He had forgotten his clothes, how embarrassing.

Indo blushed as Malay and Phil tried to hide a nosebleed. "Stupid! Why didn't you just change in the toilet?" Indo asked, acting a bit too much like iida from MHA. (I'm sorry, I have to add this)

"I accidentally forgot my clothes and my room is right there so what's the problem?" Singa asked, opening his room door.

"What's the problem?! You! Ugh. Your!" Indo stuttered.

Singa just stared at him before rolling his eyes and going to his room. The other three tried to recover from their 'reactions' (ahem aka gay panic)

They waited around the living room until Singa came back out in his home clothes.

"Anyways, where were you really? You are on a date, weren't you? You smell of alcohol, too. You drank with Japan of all people?" Indo asked, smirking and trying to recover from his previous stuttering.

"Okay, why are you so persistent that I was on a date? I was meeting my childhood friends, Japan, and Hong Kong, but Japan, and I happened to have a little conversation about who could drink better.

She gave me and HK this bottle, too. Don't know what this is, though," Singa said, sitting in the dining table.

He picked it up and read the custom label and was on the opposite side of Japan's flag. It read:


1) *One sip of this drink lasts 48 hours, and it takes around 5-6 hours for the effects to kick in.

2) Recommended that during this 48 hours, you are with people you trust and are comfortable with.

3) Not deadly, I promise!

Anyways, Singa, I hope you enjoy this drink! <3

The three crowded around Singa as he opened it. Instead of taking a sip, he took one normal drinking gulp.

Malay snatched the bottle from him. "Bodoh!(stupid in malay) The label said that one sip lasts for 48 hours! You just took one gulp!"

"Yeah, I read the bottle. Your point?" Singa raised one of his eyebrows.

"My point is that you gulped it, so who knows how long it will last!"

Malay looked at the bottle again and saw that on the first disclaimer had an asterisk. He looked further down the bottle and saw there was more writing in slightly smaller fonts.

*I know you well enough to know that you're probably going to take one gulp of this drink, so just a note, that gulp you took will make the effects last one week.

Malay yelped. One week? What if it's something bad? But it's Japan who gave the gift. Ahhh, frick it.

Malay gripped the bottle and took a gulp as well. Now it was Indo and Phil who yelped.

"Malay, what are you doing?" Phil asked.

Malay swallowed the drink before replying. "Well, Japan's the one who gave him the drink, so it shouldn't be anything bad, right? But she is a good prankster. Might as well suffer together,"

Phil and Indo looked at each other and thought the same thing. Indo took the bottle from Malay, drank it, and passed it to Phil, who did the same thing.

Singa just stared at the three. He couldn't believe that they did that for him. Well, whatever happens next, their going to do it together.

After Phil drank it, Singa took back the bottle and threw it. "Okay, that's enough. You guys have proved your point. Now, since it's night, I'm going to bed,"

Singa turned around and headed to the bathroom before his room. He would never admit it, but he was a little bit grateful to have friends like them.

'But are you worth their friendship, though?' Singa shut his bedroom door and shook his head to free the thoughts. Unfortunately, they kept coming back.

'They do so much for you, but you have done nothing for them'

'I bet their just pretending to be friends in front of you'

'Maybe you should just disappear'

Tears started streaming down Singa's face. He hated when these thoughts came. He had always made it a point to drown himself with work when this happened, but now he couldn't do so.

'Maybe I should just listen to these thoughts and kill myself. It's not like there is anyone left who cares about me. All of them are dead.' This was Singa's last thought before crying himself to sleep.

Chapter 4 is complete!

How's the story going? It took quite a dark turn, didn't it? Anyways, on with the next!

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