Finding comfort

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"There are others that like Malay?"

"Just... food for thought? Let's eat with the rest," Japan stated. "Don't think too much about it. I'm sure it'll be fine,"

Singa stared in despair as he watched Japan move from the kitchen island to the dining room.

He shook his head before grabbing a plate of chicken rice for himself and taking a seat next to Malay. Who also seemed quieter than normal.

Eventually, the two decided that they would put both their thoughts away and push the inevitable panic attack at night. Where they're supposed to happen.

They didn't want the others getting suspicious and tried to slide smoothly into the current conversation. Which was about their love interests, apparently. Great...

"So, are you guys dating anyone?" Japan asked.

"Not at the moment, though I hope so," replied Phil. " What about you, Japan? Have a type?"

Japan thought about it. "Not dating anyone currently... as for type... maybe someone intelligent and caring?"

Indo raised an eyebrow. "That's it? I thought it would be more specific,"

Japan smiled. "Well, I did have one when I was younger, but apparently, it was too unreasonable. The guys who did somehow manage to reach them became my best friends, and I don't date my friends,"

Phil and Indo nodded in understanding. "What about you two? Got a type?" She asked. They thought about it before answering.

"Someone who is kind and a passionate person,"  Indo replied.

"A person whose ambitious and loyal," Phil answered.

The two said it at the same time before they turned to face each other.

Since they were sitting next to each other, when they turned, their faces were just a little too close to each other.

They blushed before quickly looking the other way. Japan didn't say anything but only smirked. She gave Hong Kong a look that spoke, 'Those two are so in love with each other, just get together already.'

Hong Kong shook his head and lightly elbowed Japan under the table. She pouted a bit while he furrowed his eyebrows.

Japan sighed as she faced the two who were still blushing before turning to Malay and Singa.

"Well, anyways, aren't you guys a bit too quiet?" Japan asked, directing the question to Malay and Singa.

Thinking about how to get them to respond, Japan then added, "Oh, and about what I said earlier, Singa, just ignore it,"

Malay broke out of his daze and gave Singa a confused look but said nothing and looked at his plate. Singa frowned as a deep growl was threatening to escape him.

He kept his composure and anger in check until he could muster enough 'strength' to speak. By that, it means not letting his urges kick in and throw Japan across the house.

"Not talking about it now," replied Singa, voice still somewhat stable. Malay sighed and stood up.

"I have finished my food. If you need me, I will be in the room. Excuse me,"

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