Intro (of the others)

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-3rd Person POV-

Door slams open, and in came the other members of ASEAN. They talked about who would give the introductions but decided to give their own due to a few people who wanted to do it.

A countryhuman came up. Their face was yellow with a black and white diagonal stripe across. In the middle was a red crest consisting of a crescent facing upwards, joined with a parasol, with hands on the sides.

"Hi, I am Brunei! I help Singa with the financials. My pet is a white-bellied sea eagle. Her full name is Bandar Seri Begawan, but we call her Seri. which I keep with the other members in our house," Brunei smiled before joining the four who had finished their introductions.

Brunei stood next to Singa and put his hand over Singa's shoulder. An unspoken about red tick appeared on Singa's head while Brunei ignored it.

The next country came. "Hello! I'm Cambodia, but you can call me Cam. My face is blue with a red stripe going across and the Angkor Wat in the middle. The animal I keep is the Kouprey named Penh Short for Phnom Penh,"

Cam joined the rest as another went up. "I'm Myanmar, but call me Myan. I have yellow stripe on top, green on the middle, red on the bottom, and a white star in the middle.

My pet is a peacock called Taw for Nay Pyi Taw,"

"Hi, I'm Thailand. I have the colours red, white, blue, white, and red in that order. My pet is the Asian elephant named Ban, short for Bangkok,"

The second last country to introduce themselves came forward. "Hi, I'm Vietnam, red with a yellow star. My pet is the water buffalo, which is affectionately called Han for Hanoi,"

The last but certainly not least country was... "Hi, I'm Laos! I have stripes, which are red, blue, and red, with a white circle in the middle. My pet is the Indian elephant called Vien, short for Vientiane,"

"Okay, now that's all done. Let's go somewhere fun!" Cam exclaimed.

"Sure, we are all free anyways. Where, though?" Myan asked.

They all thought about it. "How about the park? We can take out pets for a walk, too!" Indo suggested.

They all smiled, agreeing that they needed to take their pets out.

Intro 2 finished, on with the chapters!

Yes! Introductions are finally complete! Okay, anyway, I've done ships. I'm still new to the fandom so please don't take them to heart. I'll make a few side ones but the main ship is ofc Singamalay. Anyway, hope you like the story.

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