The deal

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"So how long have you liked him?"

Singa and Hong Kong stare at her in shock. It was Hong Kong who first broke the silence since Singa was still shocked.

"What? I know you're usually right about Singa's crushes, but there is no way he liked Malay,"

She opened one eye to look at their expressions. "Well, I'm usually right about his crushes, aren't I? So why am I not right now?"

"B-because that's impossible!"

Japan opened her other eye and sat forward, leaning towards them. She laughs. "Impossible? My dear, I think you mean improbable,"

Hong Kong was still confused now. "Yes? What does that have anything to do with this?"

"Impossible, unable to occur,exist, or to be done. Improbable, not likely for such a thing to happen. Wording makes all the difference. You, of all people, should understand that,"

Hong Kong furrowed his eyebrows. He faced Singa. "Do you have a crush on Malay?"

He examined Singa's expression. The Singaporean didn't respond and thought about the statement.

'Well, that just acknowledges that Singa himself doesn't know,' Hong Kong thought.

After a few awkward seconds, Singa blurted out, "No. There is absolutely no way. Hong Kong is right. That's absurd,"

For Japan, it sounded more like Singa was trying to convince himself more than the other two.

She would have dropped it, but she heard the hesitancy, and it only furthered her conviction.

"Okay, whatever you say, but I'm convinced. Let's make a deal. If I'm right in the future, you would have listened to me for a day. Who knows, I might even plan to go shopping that day,"

Singa and Hong Kong widened his eyes. They know how Japan could be if she was on her shopping spree. They shuddered thinking about it.

"Fine, but if I'm right, what do I get?" Singa agreed.

"The same in reversed conditions," she replied.

Singa pondered the options and decided to agree. Maybe he would finally get to see Japan finally unable to manage to guess his crush, after all.

They shook hands on it.

Singa never got to see her wrong about that.

Singa felt a blush spread over his cheeks. Japan went to stand normally again, not having to whisper in his ears anymore, She didn't need to tip toe to reach his height.

"Can we switch one of your training days with it? Or are you set with the training?" She asked, already thinking of what she was going to do.

Singa shook his head and looked away from Japan, bringing a hand to his face. "No, we can do it on one of those days,"

"How about Friday? We'll do it then," she suggested. Singa nodded, blush subsiding enough to look at her again.

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