Meeting some old friends

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-3rd Person POV-
When they turned back, Singa was gone with the front door closed.

They sighed. They should have known better. Indo bit his lip, a bit annoyed he let Singa get away.

-Singa POV-

Great, I got away from them, and now they can't pester me anymore. But,ugh, I shouldn't have said anything about Malay and our promise.

I should have thought about it in advance, bodoh. But where is the coffee shop we agreed to meet at?

I took out my phone and looked at the location Japan sent me. I walk for quite a while with a few turns, and.. I'm here.

I step into the rather empty, traditional looking coffee shop. There were 1 other person in the shop, and it looked like they were about to leave. I instantly spot Japan and Hong Kong. They wave to me, signalling their position.

I walk towards them and pull a chair towards their table before sitting down. I turned back and the other person in the shop was gone.

-3rd Person POV-

"How, Japan. How did you get him of all people to come down," Hong Kong questioned.

Japan smiled before signalling a 'pass it to me' hand sign. Hong Kong sighs before passing a 100 dollar note to her.

Japan laughed and was so happy that she won that poof! Two cat ears appeared on her head, and a tail could be seen swishing under the chair.

"Oops, you guys don't mind, don't you?" Japan asked.

"No, it's fine, we're used to it by now. Have you gotten it under control, though?" Singa wondered.

"I have gotten better control of it, though sometimes it happens. Luckily, it hasn't happened in unfortunate situations," she answered. "Oh! That reminds me, i have a gift for you two,"

Japan passed Singa and Hong Kong a normal looking water bottle with her flag on it. It looked like it had a pink liquid in it.

"Uh, Japan, I appreciate the thought, but what is this?" Hong Kong asked.

"Oh, it's nothing but a word of warning. Only drink it in places with people you're comfortable with. The effects last 48 hours with one sip. There are warnings on the bottle itself too," Japan answered, smiling.

Singa and Hong Kong just stared at her with a concerned expression and said nothing.

"Okay, moving swiftly along from this, Singa, didn't you have work you usually do?" Hong King asked, as he and Singa ever so slightly pushed the bottles Japan gave them to the middle of the table.

"Oh, Malay made me promise that I wouldn't work this week since I kept working so hard," Singa answered, trying not to recall the flashback he had in Malay's room.

The other two glanced at each other, giving a knowing look. Japan's cat ears faced forward, signalling that she was interested in the conversation

Singa adjusted his glasses when he saw the glance and was about to comment on it when a person came to their table.

"Hello, would you like to order anything?"

The three glanced at the menu before deciding their orders.

"One bowl of ramen and a bottle of sake, please,"

"Beef noodles soup and a milk tea,"

"Milo and char kuay teow,"

"Okay, your food and drinks will be here in 5 minutes," The waiter finished writing their orders and left.

"Wow, J, your drinking sake now? Are you still a lightweight like the old days?" Singa asked, giving a miniscule smirk.

"Nope! I bet I can drink more than you, Singa," Japan claimed.

Hong Kong rolled his eyes, knowing that he is going to be driving them home, drunk.

Singa ordered a bottle of sake when their food arrived. They spent the rest of the afternoon laughing, drinking, and catching up.

In the end, Japan was a drunken mess. Singa and Hong Kong had to carry her into her car as Hong Kong drove it.

Singa was a bit tipsy but wasn't as bad as Japan. They left the coffee shop and went to Japan's car as they knew it wasn't a good idea for Singa to walk back by himself.

They took the bottles Japan gave them and settled in the car with Singa and Hong Kong as the driver since he wasn't drunk. Japan was lying down in the back, muttering words that they couldn't make out.

"I'll drive you back first since it's closer, and I'll let Japan crash at my place. Your address is still the same, right?"

Singa nodded. He could feel himself sobering up as he felt the killer headache come in.

They drove awhile, and since Singa had quite a high alcohol tolerance, he was mostly sober by the time they reached.

"Bye Singa, let's meet up again next time. Oh, by the way, don't forget the drinks she gave us," Hong Kong stated, and he passed the drink.

"Alright, get back safe,"

Hong Kong waved before driving off. Singa turned towards the door, clutching the bottle before knocking the door.

The person who answered it was Malay.

Chapter 3 finished!

Hii! Just a disclaimer, due to my culture, I am not allowed to digest alcohol so I don't really know how it feels like. I apologise for any information that might be wrong in that aspect.

Another thing, I am aware that Hong Kong technically isn't a country, but it isn't fully a state either, so I just decided that it would be China's little brother.

Anyways, let's get on with the story!

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