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"I.. I don't know, actually... I think someone has caught my attention? But I'm really not sure about how I feel for them yet. Sorry if that's not the answer you want,"

Singa's face turned neutral to the point that not even Malay could figure it out.

Eventually, Singa gave Malay a smile. "Ahh. I see. Well, I hope whoever your attention has been caught by, know that they are a very lucky person,"

Honestly, with and only the whole truth, Malay was a bit disappointed in Singa's reaction. At the very least, a miniscule reaction that he was slightly sad.

Nevertheless, Malay smiled back. "Thanks,"

The two kept quiet for a bit, though internally, their hearts were cracking silently, thinking of their decisions.

All Malay wanted was to say that it was Singa that his attention had been caught by, but that would mean risking years of friendship and a truth about each other only they knew.

Singa would be risking the same if he would have confessed, though his better judgement knew to respect his friend's feelings.

"Well, I should go. I don't want to impose in your room any longer,"

Singa stood up and turned around. He was about to take a step towards the door when he felt slender fingers wrap around his wrist.

Singa, confused, turned around. He was greeted with the sight of a blushing Malay who was facing the floor.

Despite being upset, the sight alone would have made him... let's not go there. Singa's face was flushed but attempted to regain his composure.

"Yes, Mal? Did you need something else from me?"

He saw Malay's blushing further. 'Is it the nickname?' Singa thought. But regardless, it was kind of cute to see him like that...

"No, Singapore. Malay already has somebody he likes," the rational part of his brain stated.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't be with him! Even if I get hurt in the process, it's fine being just friends, right?" The emotional part argued.

"Shut up! We can think about whether I'm doing the wrong things later!" Singa's conscious thinking decided which ended his overthinking thoughts.

"N-no... but could we talk further? It's nice to talk to you, even if it's about the past. And you're not imposing whatsoever,"

Singa gave a smile. He sat down beside Malay. They ended up reminiscing about their past. All the good and bad. Even of a painful time when they hurt each other, which they should have done sooner.

- A few minutes past (with the other four) -

After the four had finished their food, Japan and Hong Kong thought that it had been best to leave so as not to disturb them further. They had completed the task they were called for.

They placed their plates in the dishwasher when they heard footsteps from the hallway.

It was Singa and Malay.

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