⚖️/Chapter 7

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And so it was, Wriothesley was sent to the Court of Fontaine and waited for Neuvillette's appearance there. Within a few minutes, Neuvillette sat in the judge's chair while Wriothesley was handcuffed below.

Most of Fontaine was there, as they were surprised that even after 17 years, Wriothesley was still a criminal...

Wriothesley felt a bit surprised when he saw Neuvillette sitting in the judge's chair, as Wriothesley felt like Neuvillette was probably thinking of all sorts of ways to torture Wriothesley now that Neuvillette had the chance to do so. Wriothesley also felt like Neuvillette was most likely thinking of all things Wriothesley did now that Neuvillette now knew that Wriothesley hadn't really changed as a person.

Neuvillette stood still for a moment as he thought about the moment he leaned against Wriothesley.
"His body...that ass..."
He thought, but then looked back at Wriothesley and spoke.
"Wriothesley, 35 year old man, sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment at the age of 18, is found GUILTY of continuing to commit crimes since he began working as the Lord of the Fortress of Meropide. 10 years' imprisonment will be assigned to you, and you will lose your job, Wriothesley."
Neuvillette said, his voice serious but his thoughts were about Wriothesley's body.

Wriothesley went silent for a bit, listening to Neuvillette's verdict.
"No! Wait, wait... that's not fair, I can be a good leader for this Fortress! You can't punish me like this! You don't know what I'm going through, Neuvillette! I- I'll make it up to you! Please don't take away my position as the Lord of the Fortress of Meropide!"
Wriothesley said, as he felt extremely desperate for Neuvillette to have mercy at least for a bit right now.

The truth is that inside, Neuvillette would even let him continue to lead after prison, but he couldn't break the rules he created.
"There's nothing you can do, Wriothesley. GUARDS, BRING HIM TO MEROPIDE."
Neuvillette said seriously.

The guards took Wriothesley and began transporting him to the Fortress of Meropide now, as Wriothesley still didn't accept his defeat as the new leader of the Fortress of Meropide. Wriothesley was now getting to the prison cell, as Wriothesley seemed to realize that he had no other options but to serve his prison sentence now.
"Neuvillette... please. I beg you, I'm sorry... this is all a mistake. Please, I didn't mean to... why are you doing this to me?"

After a while, they arrived to the Fortress of Meropide and everyone there already knew that Wriothesley was no longer the Lord of the Fortress but yes another prisoner from there. Neuvillette and Wriothesley were alone now, in a room that was where Wriothesley would be spending his days now.
"My apologies, but this is how justice is done in Fontaine."
Neuvillette said, his voice serious.

"No, how is this fair? I did so much for this Fortress of Meropide, and now you just take away all the power I have here. I thought you were a friend too, Neuvillette, but I guess I was wrong. How dare you do this to me!? Do you know how painful it is to lose the status you worked so hard for?!"
Wriothesley felt very betrayed, as Wriothesley now started to feel more anger towards Neuvillette than he was starting to feel sadness or worry.

"Wriothesley, I don't have a choice but to do my work. I know it was hard work, but that's what you get for your crimes."
Neuvillette said, before turning his back to Wriothesley to get ready to leave.
Something catched Wriothesley's attention though, Neuvillette's thighs and ass were absolutely attractive.

Wriothesley's eyes were immediately drawn to Neuvillette's thighs and ass, as he was still getting used to being in this new smaller version of his former room now. It seemed that the time in prison for the past 17 years had changed him a lot, as Wriothesley felt like he was starting to get more and more attracted to Neuvillette now. But there was nothing Wriothesley could do about it now.
"Huh? Wait- wait, I don't think you should be leaving just yet, Neuvillette..."

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