⚖️/Chapter 28

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Neuvillette stroked her hair and smiled lightly, whispering.
He said... Clearly remembering Wriothesley's death. Sigewinne wasn't immortal, so... clearly it wouldn't be 'always'...

The next day at 4 am, Sigewinne was asleep, and so was Neuvillette.
Until suddenly, a doorbell sound was heard at Neuvillette's house.
"Ding Dong...Ding Dong." rang the doorbell until someone came to the door.
It was cloudy outside, but it wasn't raining. The wind was strong and at the same time soft, outside it was possible to hear the sounds of nature, while inside the house, only Neuvillette's and Sigewinne's breathing could be heard.

While Sigewinne slept peacefully, Neuvillette got up to see who was ringing the doorbell at this hour. Neuvillette's hair was messy, he looked sleepy.
He went to the door and opened it, seeing Wriothesley there, waving at him. Neuvillette wiped his eyes more than ten times, was he dreaming or was this true?! Was Neuvillette going crazy?!
He didn't speak.

Neuvillette was in complete and total shock, he couldn't believe what he was currently witnessing. Was he dreaming? This couldn't be real, right? This was the same Wriothesley that had been executed a year ago… there was no way that he was actually standing there in front of him! Or was it? Neuvillette felt like his brain had stopped thinking.
Why was Wriothesley there? How was he alive again?!
Did he believe this? Did he really think that Wriothesley was there? Or was he just imagining things?...

Neuvillette took a step forward, still scared of the situation, but Wriothesley immediately hugged him and spoke.
"Have you already forgotten me, Neuvillette?"
Wriothesley said in an ironic tone while laughing. He was dressed in his usual work clothes, it didn't seem like a lie...

Neuvillette was too shocked to speak, he put one of his hands around Wriothesley, he could only say one thing...
Neuvillette was so relieved to hear Wriothesley's voice, he hugged him tight and replied.
"Wriothesley... but... how?"
He couldn't believe this. How was this possible? He saw with his own eyes, how could he be wrong about that? He wanted to believe but he still couldn't. His mind was racing with thoughts, trying to find an explanation.
How was this even happening now? All this was so unreal.

Wriothesley laughed lightly, he let go of Neuvillette and spoke in his usual confident tone of voice.
"I said I had a plan to escape from prison!"
He said, winking.

Neuvillette was silent, trying to process what was happening, he didn't know what to say.

Wriothesley then decided to explain himself, as this situation really seemed like a lie.
"So... remember when I said I was going to escape? Well, I'm here now! And... sorry, it took me a year but I'm here!"
Wriothesley said, smiling.
"And that situation where 'Furina decapitated me' was part of my plan... that was a clone I made on purpose. I'm sorry for bringing suffering to you and Sigewinne."
He said, feeling regretful too.

Neuvillette was amazed, he was silent for a moment before he started crying, and smiling with joy. It started raining, since Neuvillette was crying.
"Oh Wriothesley... how did I doubt your plans?"

Wriothesley laughed lightly, he kissed Neuvillette and smiled.
"I love you, Neuvillette. I'm sorry I disappeared and made you think I died."

Neuvillette smiled, he kissed him back and continued crying.
"Wriothesley, I'm just glad I have you now. Please, don't ever make that without telling me directly what your plan would be!"
He said, hugging him tightly.

Wriothesley held him tight, he didn't want to be separated from him in any way or form. He loved Neuvillette and he just wanted to stay with him. He didn't want to lie to him anymore.
"It won't happen again, I swear it won't. I love you so much, Neuvillette, and I'm also glad that we're together now."

Neuvillette hugged him back, he smiled as he kissed Wriothesley's neck.
"I missed having sex with you!!"
He said.

Wriothesley was a bit surprised to hear this but he quickly replied to Neuvillette.
"I also missed having sex with you too.. I really missed it."
He looked at Neuvillette with a smirk, it was kind of funny but a bit naughty too. They hadn't really had the time for that before, they didn't have a chance after all. He was happy thinking about this.
"Let's make up for lost time then."
He said in a more flirtatious tone.

Neuvillette giggled a bit, the rain stopped. He then looked at him and chuckled.
"Not before you explain how you were able to plan such thing to escape prison."

Wriothesley laughed softly, while still holding Neuvillette in his arms. He was happy to be able to explain everything to Neuvillette and he wanted him to understand. He started by explaining how his escape plan worked.
"So my plan was actually a very simple one. I just needed to make everyone believe that I was dead. That would trick them into thinking that justice was served and I couldn’t escape at all, but it was all false. I had a device that could generate a sort of decoy of me to replace my body when the execution occurred."

Neuvillette looked at him, he thought for a while.
"So... while your clone was executed, you escaped from prison? And where have you been all this time?"
He asked.

Wriothesley nodded at Neuvillette, he wanted to explain
"Yes. My clone was executed, but I myself was able to leave the prison before then. I spent the first few weeks hiding in the desert and living a secret life. Then, I finally felt as if it was the right time to show myself again. So, that's why I'm here."
Wriothesley really wanted Neuvillette to believe everything he said, he was being honest. There was nothing that he would hide from him.

Neuvillette smiled. Even though he really thought that Wriothesley died, and Neuvillette suffered a lot trying to forget his 'death', he was happy now.
"But... What if Furina sees you again, since you're the Duke of Meropide?"
He asked, worried.

Wriothesley laughed at Neuvillette's worries, he tried to calm him down.
"I understand your worries, but this will not happen. I took care of some business, nobody will find out about me anymore."
Wriothesley was sure and confident about what he said, he wanted to reassure Neuvillette.
"Trust me, I can assure you that Furina will never see me again."

"That's what I call a true... Criminal Forgery."
Neuvillette said, looking at Wriothesley with love in his eyes, he smiled warmly.

Wriothesley laughed when he heard Neuvillette's joke, he really was a true criminal and nobody would catch him. He loved to break rules and do things his way and Neuvillette always supported him.
"Indeed, that's what I am and I'll never change. I'm a criminal for life."
He put his hand on Neuvillette's face, staring at him with a smirk. He was always ready to do anything, even if it meant doing his own stuff against other people's wishes.

Neuvillette smiled, he didn't mind that. Wriothesley was a good man, and that's not going to change.
"Can we go to our bedroom have sex? Just... Don't make too much noise, our daughter is sleeping."
He asked.

Wriothesley didn't respond, he just took Neuvillette by the hand and led him to the bedroom. He didn't need any words to explain, he just wanted to show him what he was talking about.
He closed the door behind him and began to do what he wanted so much to do again... Neuvillette wouldn't have to worry about anything, as they were going to make sure that they wouldn't make a sound...

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