⚖️/Chapter 27

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Neuvillette then went to the kitchen and made some tea for him and Sigewwine, it would be difficult to take care of a child alone. Even so, he tried to be positive, he didn't want his daughter to be in depression...

Neuvillette gave Sigewinne a cup of tea, they then sat at the tables in their home. The way Neuvillette looked at Sigewinne reminded her of Wriothesley so it was easy for Sigewinne to find comfort in him.

Sigewinne started telling Neuvillette about some of her day to make him feel better, she wanted to distract him from thinking so much about Wriothesley and about the execution site.
"Daddy, do you know what new things I learned at school today?"
She asked.

Neuvillette was a bit surprised by that question but decided to listen to Sigewinne, he would do anything to make her feel better. He really wanted to forget about Wriothesley so listening to his daughter might help him distract himself.
"No, what did you learn?"
He had to admit that he was curious now. Sigewinne was so passionate when it came to learning new things, she could talk about them for hours.

"We learned about birds and trees!"
Sigewinne had a very happy expression on her face, she wanted to talk a bit more about it but she had to drink her tea first. Once she was done, she kept talking.
"The teacher told us that birds were very smart, they can remember everything they do and they can find their home!"
Sigewinne looked at him, she was waiting for him to comment on this interesting information.

Neuvillette was actually listening with interest, he didn't expect to hear something like that.
"Birds are really smart, huh.. I didn't know that!"
Neuvillette thought for a moment, he thought it was interesting to think that birds were that smart.
"So, what about trees..?"
He was curious about that too.

Sigewinne immediately continued talking, she knew that her father would be interested in knowing something like that.
"The teacher said that trees are very important because they clean the air and it's our oxygen!"

Neuvillette didn't really know what to say, he learned a lot of interesting things from Sigewinne today. He felt happy to learn all this with Sigewinne, it was the first time he saw her being so passionate about something.
"Oh, so it's the trees we should thank for the oxygen in the air, I did not know that! Trees must be very important for us to live in that case!"
It was nice to feel so close to his daughter for a moment...

Weeks passed, and no matter how busy Neuvillette was with work, he always paid attention to Sigewinne.

Some times Neuvillette felt bad for being away from home so much while Sigewinne was still young and needed her dad... but she enjoyed spending time with her father even when he was busy working.

Weeks passed and summer arrived, Sigewinne was even happier now because she had more time to spend with her father. She would help him with his work just to be together with him and to have some interesting things to do.
Neuvillette always had time for his daughter, regardless of how busy he was. He loved spending time with her.

It used to rain a lot in Fontaine, as Neuvillette was sad because of Wriothesley's death most of the time, but Sigewinne always tried to support him.

During the summer holidays, Neuvillette had time for himself and Sigewinne, and that was good.

Sigewinne was trying her best to be there for Neuvillette, she knew that he missed Wriothesley so she was trying to distract him, even if it was just a little bit.

One day during summer, they went on a walk and decided to have a little picnic to enjoy the weather while still being in the nature.
Sigewinne loved going on walks with her father and this time was no exception, it was always nice to spend time like this with him.

That day, Neuvillette did his best not to be sad, since if he was it would start to rain. He wanted Sigewinne to be happy. He then spoke to Sigewinne.
"Honey... tomorrow it will be 1 year since I married Wriothesley, before they arrested him..."
He said, sighing.

Sigewinne felt sad as soon as her father mentioned Wriothesley. Even if it had already been a year, she still missed him. She put herself in her father's shoes, she couldn't imagine what he must feel right now, it still was really hard for her too.
"Daddy... why do they have to arrest people for no reason? This is so unfair..."
Sigewinne hated the fact that her father's husband had disappeared, she thought it was all so unfair and senseless.

Neuvillette sighed, he stroked Sigewinne's hair.
"Your father was a criminal, darling...But he was a good man."
He said, sighing again.

Sigewinne hugged Neuvillette tightly, she needed to be comforted, even if she knew that her father was right. Losing Wriothesley was hard on them both.
"Daddy, can you promise me that you'll always be there for me?"
She looked at him waiting for his answer, she was really scared of losing him.

Neuvillette hugged her back, he smiled.
"Yes, I'm immortal so you don't need to be afraid."
He said, hoping Sigewinne felt better.

Sigewinne laughed hearing that, Neuvillette being immortal made her feel better. If he was really living forever then that meant he would never leave her alone.
"Thank you daddy, I promise that I'll always be there for you too!"
Sigewinne started to feel a lot better, having her father by her side helped her to forget her worries. Neuvillette was always there for her when she felt anxious or sad, he was kind, understanding and patient with her. She was lucky to have him as her father.

Neuvillette stroked her hair and smiled lightly, whispering.
He said... Clearly remembering Wriothesley's death. Sigewinne wasn't immortal, so... clearly it wouldn't be 'always'...

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