Chapter 8:Murder family

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It had been a few weeks since Jack joined imp and during that time he had helped them assasinate multiple humans on earth,they were in the lounge while blitz was in the office with a client,Jack was leaning against a wall,moxxie was trying to shoot at a photo that Loona was holding while Millie was helping him by giving encouragement to her but wasn't really listening he had something on his mind what's wrong with blitz he had met people like her not the whole killing thing because well he's just the same way with killing but something about her made  him feel sad she was hiding something but if she wouldn't tell then he will respect that a red light started blaring in his face he looked up and he saw that the "deranged client" is going off when Jack saw that he chuckled a bit and looked back at the other three "Stop shaking so much moxxie you're going to shoot our only hell hound" Loona is laying on the couch holding up a photo "wow I fell so loved here" 
Millie: "Just take a deep breathe and let it out"
Moxxie: "But it's a family under what circumstances would we have to kill a family"
Millie: "I mean if that's what the client wants"
Moxxie: "Maybe a shitty dad or a mob family" in a Italian accent " That's understandable"
"But to eradicate an entire innocent,seemingly in this instance upper middle class family bloodline"
Loona: "Hey you don't know they're innocent" points at the boy "this kid probably sets dogs on fire" points at the daughter "maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online" points to the father "and this guy...this guy definitely watches" Jack spoke in "Or maybe the parents secretly beat the kids on video and sell the video to make money for drugs" Everyone looked at him just like Alastor none of them ever heard him speak Jack just turned his head and looked out the window
Millie: "Exactly humans are full of secret nasties it's why so many end up here but guilty and innocent aren't out business mox killing who we're payed to is our business shoot the target" Millie kisses moxxie on the cheek
Moxxie: "I just think it's a bit excessive and we be a bit more selective is all"
Blitz then barged threw the door and shouted "Guys I like you to meet-" moxxie hits the trigger and the arrow goes flying hits the bottom of a table with a aquarium of electric eels in it and hits the photo still in loonas hand and bounces off the wall and is about to hit Mayberry then Jack caught it but not in a.....good way to say the least. Mayberry opened her eyes and she saw the arrow that Jack "caught" went into his forearm
Mayberry: "OH MY SATAN! Are you okay?"
Jack just nodded "Okay then" Blitz said "Guys this is Mayberry our newest client" after she said that the table with the aquarium fell over and the eels spilled all over the floor and started a fire from the electricity "GODDAMMIT MOXXIE I JUST BOUGHT THOSE EELS!" Blitz yelled
Cut to outside a fire truck is outside the building blitz is talking to the firefighter in the truck,Moxxie and Millie are with her,Loona is just leaning against the wall of the building,and Jack is with Mayberry with her telling him about her life...It made Jack's anger boil cheaters were one of many things that pissed him off but not only did this woman get cheated on but she was also played as the villain of the story Mayberry immediately knew that what she was saying was making Jack angry because his two "eyes" (I use that term loosely) were glowing a deep red "Well I better be off,my taxis here" Mayberry was about to walk away but Jack grabbed her hand and stopped her. He opened up her hand and gave her a piece of paper with a address on it "What's this?" "A way to get a better life" Jack then let go and escorted her to her taxi as the firefighters were exiting the building Blitz then ran up to the taxi and said "Bye and don't worry we'll get that skank in less than 24 hours or your first kill is fffffrrrreeeeee" she said the last part as the taxi sped away
Moxxie: "Since when did we start implementing that deal"
Blitz: "Since you set fire TO MY OFFICE IN FRONT OF A CLIENT YOU FUCKING LOOSE PUSS BITCH!!"  "Someone please tell me that that fancy book is still in tact!"
Loona: "You mean our only way to the other side" she then pulls the book out "Yeah got it"
Blitz: "And that's why your my favorite loony" Pulls out a treat "You get a tweet now"
Loona: "Ew stop" Blitz then threw the treat in air and caught it with her tongue and ate it
Loona: "You're so gross"
Blitz: "Ah stop I get that enough from my therapist"
Millie drew a symbol on the wall and a portal opened up to the living world Blitz then walked up while pushing Moxxie in the face
Blitz: "Now let's go lick some ass"
Millie: "The expression is 'kick some ass' blitz"
Blitz: "Mine is better"
Blitz and Millie walk into the portal,then Jack walked in
Moxxie: "Fuck me" she said as she walked into the portal
On the other side of the portal they were in front of a house on the lake they got to the window blitz looked in
Blitz: "That's got to be her oh this is too easy hey mox you want this one"
Moxxie: "Me?"
Blitz: "Yeah,this one is simple enough for you to handle it's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital"
Blitz said the last part as moxxie looked in the window Martha and Ralph was rubbing noses together
Blitz: "Snooze you lose mox and I got you bitch"
Moxxie: "Wait are we actually killing a family"
Jack: "Was that a decapitated head on the wall in the back"
No one heard Jack speak
Blitz: "No don't be a puss we're just killing the mother...we're ruining a family"
Moxxie: "Hold on hold on let's just think about this"
Moxxie then shoved the gun up causing blitz to misfire and hit the mirror on the wall next to Martha the whole family gasps in shock
Martha: "What was that ralphie"
Ralph: "I don't know martha but whatever it is" he reaches under the table and pulls out a shotgun "They're gonna be tomorrow nights dinner" he says with a evil smile Martha then calmly sets the plate down on the table and grabs her own shotgun and drinks a glass of wine before throwing it to the ground
Martha: "All right kids guns out"
After she says this the kids pull out a rifle and knife
Ralphie: "Looks like we have some rabbits to catch youngins" he laughs evilly after saying that
Outside of the house blitz is angry at moxxie
Blitz: "What the fuck was that moxxie"
Moxxie is having trouble breathing and almost throws up
Moxxie: "I'm sorry they just seemed so wholesome and happy" "I panicked"
Jack: "Um guys we should go"
Blitz: "Oh who the fuck is innocent moxie from the moment of birth you're already a parasite leeching off your mama's tits,GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF YOU FUCKING BABY ASS MOTHERFUCKER"
As blitz finished shouting a shotgun slug came through the wall destroying the wall and hitting blitz in the wall
Blitz: "AAHH, a new hole,SCATTER"
With that Blitz and Millie all ran while Jack just simply disappeared into the air and moxxie was dragged away by the children
We cut to Millie who is dogging bullets shot by Ralphie and jumps into the lake at the dock as Ralphie goes onto the dock searching for Millie as Ralphie went onto the dock Millie is swimming under with a knife in her mouth as she comes form under the dock and jumps at him he spins around and hits her over the head and she falls to the ground holds up her knife weakly and then goes unconscious
We cut to Moxxie tied up in a chair made up from a dead person she looks up to see the two children and nervously says "Oh well hello little ones aren't you cute" The child in a creepy country accent "It's nice to have a new critter to play with" Moxxie confused then looks around the room and sees it's decorated with heads and the skin of the victims of the family
And Moxxie can only say one thing "Oh crumps"
"Now then" the girl starts to speak "Maybe we should start the 'game'" she giggles abit as she grabs Moxxie about to stab her with a knife but before she could they heard heavy footsteps from the dark and they saw a tall shadow appear it was Jack
Jack: "Well then hello Moxxie having fun"
Moxxie looks at Jack but before she speaks the girl puts the knife to her throat "One more step and she's dead meat got it" Jack just stands there his eyes glowing red as he gets angry at her comment. The girl speaks again "Hey brother tie him up" but her brother is gone "Brother?" Jack starts to laugh and takes something out from behind him
Jack: "Oh you mean this brother of your" he has the head of the boy in his hand "Funny how you didn't hear him scream then again it's hard to scream when you have a hand crushing your throat" the girl consumed by rage lunges at him with a knife but he catches her mid air "Well looks like I get one more head from this mission" right before he's about to crush her throat Moxxie speaks up "Wait a minute Jack! Don't kill her let her go she's a child" "She's a murderer and should be punished as one" "Just let her live please" Jack took a pause then he threw the girl to the floor "Get out of here before I change my mind" the girl runs off Jack goes to Moxxie and unties her "You owe me for that" "Yeah,yeah but thanks" "Uh uh come on let's go save blitz and Mille"
As Jack jumps out the window Moxxie grabs a rifle and jumps also cut to the woods Blitz and Millie are tied to a post and are about to be "burned" with Ralphie pouring gasoline around them
Blitz: "I had that fucking shot goddammit Moxxie"
Martha: "Satan,we return your filthy creatures back to the pits of hell may the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy work" she then throws the torch she has in her hand and the pillar is set ablaze
Blitz: "Yeah that's not exactly it works lady sorry but I can fake it if that'll make you're dick hard"
(To be honest what the hell was she thinking demons they're going to be fireproof you dumb bitch)
Martha: "Oh shit well then I'll just shoot you in your smart ass mouth" she holds up her shotgun
Blitz: "That would be more effective" she makes a goofy face
Millie: "BLITZ"
As Martha starts laughing evilly aiming her shotgun they brace to be shot but then a gunshot rings out and Martha has a hole in her head and falls dead to the ground as she falls we see Jack and Moxxie behind her with Moxxie the one who fired the shot Moxxie and Jack run to them and untied them as Ralphie runs away Moxxie starts rubbing noses with Millie as Jack catches blitz as she falls from the pillar
"I just keep falling for you huh" Jack blushes a bit but it's under the mask so no one sees it "Shut up" He puts her down
Moxxie: "I am so sorry mam I compromised our objective and put everyone in danger"
Blitz: "Apology accepted" she then grabs her and whispers in her ear "but if you ever pull a stunt like that again I make you watch as Me and Jack fuck you and your wife" she lets Moxxie go and Moxxie is horrified by what she heard
Blitz: "Alrighty job well done now let's get off"
Moxxie: "Eh I left something at the house"
Blitz: "Ok fine but hurry up" As Moxxie starts to walk away Jack grabs her shoulder "I know what you're going to do your going to call the police to take them into custody" "Well what else is there to do Jack we can't kill them but we can't let them go free" Jack sighs "Go back to the others I'll deal with it you should be with your wife okay" Moxxie is hesitant at first but agrees and tells him to only call the police and walks back to the other to tell them the news as Jack walks into the darkness. Inside the house Ralphie and the girl are in the living room when Jack walks in
Ralphie: "Get back demon!" He shouts as he raises his shotgun but Jack grabs the barrel and bends it upwards Ralphie drops the gun "If 2 million soldiers could not beat me what hope do you have" Ralphie is taken aback by this "So why are you here" "For vengeance,you inflicted pain on others so it's only fair it happens to you also" As Jack finishes the last part his chest opens revealing the crystal before they could react they started floating and a stream went from their bodies to the crystal after his chest shuts he gets the phone and calls the police
When he gets out to the woods Moxxie is there waiting for him with the portal still open Moxxie looks at him and he gives her a nod as she smiles he walks through the portal as she's also about to walk through she sees the police arrive and with a helicopter blows up the house as Moxxie stands there horrified the stuffed bear of the girl head hits her and falls to ground and Moxxie is pulled through the portal by blitz
In the office everyone is celebrating and congratulating Moxxie,Jack starts to walk out as he gets to the door Mayberry stops him "Hey I went to the address you gave me and I'm now staying at the hotel" "Good well I'm going there right now want to come with" "Sure" As they leave the office and and get into the elevator the screens starts but right before it turns fully black it zooms in on Jacks chest where the crystal resides and you can hear the screams of Ralphie and the girl and the camera panels up all you see is jacks red eyes fade into the darkness.

Finally done with this chapter I am sorry for the wait I've just been very busy with school and other activities but I do plan on continuing this story so stay tuned for the next chapter

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