Chapter 4:This is unexpected

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Jack had sprung awake,aiming his 44.magnum around him. Same dream, he thought he has had the  same nightmare every night for the last year. Jack looked around to check if anything was taken or moved thankfully nothing was missing he was on a mountain he didn't go into towns he stayed away from them because of how he looked he gathered his stuff and started hiking up the mountain again the air was cold and the wind was hell as he walked he felt the snow slow him down as it made him heavier suddenly he heard trucks behind him he laid in the snow the snow covering him as he laid when the people passed he followed them he didn't know why he wanted to but it was like something was calling to him to follow them so he did as he followed the ground seem to get....softer? Then suddenly he heard cracking then he fell into a cave. When he got up he noticed he was in a city of some kind,a giant one at that he saw a temple in the distance again he felt drawn and he followed as he got closer to the temple he noticed that this city is old like way too damn old to be native to earth so who or what built this place. He was at the temple now and what he saw got him curious there was a Krystal as he got closer a beam of light from the Krystal made him freeze in place and then the Krystal went into his chest and then darkness.....
Jack woke up about a hour later he felt different and he looked different as he saw when he looked into a puddle then metal that melded with his skin seemed to have been smoothed out and new his mask that he wore looked different too it seemed high tech and looked like a mix of megatron s mask from the last night and predator mask from the predator which were some of his favorite movies he looked at his arm there was some kind of device on it with a button out of curiosity he pressed it and a portal opened "Well that's unexpected" he hesitated at first but then he realized what does have to lose and walked in on the other side the sky was a deep red and there was a.....pentagram in the sky? The portal shut and he started to look around because why naught as he looked around he saw demons of some sort some stared at him others just walked by as he was walking he heard a scream down the alley and decided to investigate and he saw two demons standing above a imp and were about to kill him Jack walked up behind them and lifted them up and then smashed them together "Thanks" said the imp Jack just nodded "So why help" Jack just stood silently "So not the talkative type,well whatever thanks anyway" the imp just walked away (yea that was blitz but that is for later in the story) Jack decided that since he was made to kill he would become an bounty hunter and walked along the road to find something worth his while

Well that was fun sorry for the wait I forgot about this book for awhile and just remembered it existed I'm not done with this story,there is still much to tell so I was Jack will meet helluva boss,Fredinas nightclub and Hazbin hotel but who did you want him to meet first let me know

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