Chapter 9:Loo Loo Land

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We open up to the Goetia mansion with little Octavia crying out for Stola and Stellar as she cries Stola turns to Stella and in a tired voice says "Honey,Octavia is calling us" Stellar in the same but annoyed tone says "You get up"
We cut to Stola opening the door to Octavia's room "Via,what troubles you my little owlette?" As Octavia comes out from the blankets and off her bed to her mother she says "Mommy,mommy I had a dream,a really bad dream" Stola yawns a bit while saying "A nightmare" Octavia continues "I was looking all over the palace and I couldn't find you anywhere,you weren't there" "There,there Via it's okay you're okay,when you're scared and you don't know where I am,you must remember no matter what happens to me,I will never be far away from my little star fire" Stola then begins to sing to help Octavia go back to sleep and call her nerves

And as the door shuts we cut the present day with Octavia being awoken by a crashing sound and Stellar screaming as she sits up she plugs in headphones and hits play on a song on her phone. As she walks through the hallway a plant is thrown and hits the ground in front of her but she walks right over it as she walks into the kitchen Stellar is holding a imp by the head and throws him at Stola while screaming "YOU WANT TO FUCK THIS ONE TOO!" As Stola dodges the imp she says "No,of course not" Stellar right before storming out of the kitchen he says "You are a goddamn embarrassment,I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic imp sucking face" as Stellar storms out Stola let's put a exhausted sigh before noticing Octavia as she sits down at the table to eat breakfast "Good morning,Octavia did you sleep well my owlette" Octavia responds in a exhausted and annoyed tone "A serious tone" "I'm pretty sure it is Octie" Both Stola and Octavia look at the dark door way where they see Jacks red eyes "You know you don't always to be in the dark" Stola says "Well,I kinda need to because it helps me make sure I don't string that motherfucker up by his own legs" As Jack says that his eyes glow bright and Stola sighs again as Jack sits down at the table and a butler comes over to ask what he wants "No thanks I'm good" a the butler leaves after that as Stola walks over to the fridge she points back to Octavia and asks "What's that you're listening to" as she reaches into the fridge to grab a piece of meat Octavia answers "This song is called "My world is burning down around me" it's by "Fuck you mom" it's a band" As Stola looks hurt and says "Oh how charming" As Stola walks towards a giant plant Jack look at Octavia she can't see his face because of the mask but she can tell he's giving a 'what the fuck' look. As Stola feeds the plant and turns back around Octavia says "Are you two done screaming for the day" before Stola could answer she hears Stellar screams and something breaks. In a excited tone she says "You know what I haven't done in a long time,I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of hell,why don't we go to LooLoo Land" Octavia looks at her mother annoyed as says "I'm not five anymore" ignoring Octavia's comment "You always were so happy when I took you to LooLoo Land what say we go there again have a day just the two of us" the camera zooms in on a painting of the three with Octavia as a child smiling happily "I'd rather kill myself" Octavia says in a monotone tone again ignoring her comment "There we go,anything but staying this house" "Wait,what the fuck is LooLoo Land" "First of all:Language" "English" Stola looks confused for a sec then looks annoyed "You know ow that not what I meant" "Yeah,but rustled your feather didn't it" "Really" both Octavia and Stola say at the same time "Anyway,second of all you've never been why I thought you've been everywhere in hell with your bounty hunter job" I did on the surface world I may have done some jobs in hell but I didn't exactly see the sights" After he said that Stola walked over to the phone "Well anyway,I'll handle our security" "Security,really mom" "I agree with her on this" "We're rich and we're hot people want our money and our bodies" "Maybe our money" "Speak for yourself princess" Stella picks up the phone and says "Now I'm going to call the only woman who can fuck me" "What" Octavia says confused "Protect me,us being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable you know" Octavia groans as she ticks her head into her hat (I'm not doing the blitz scene because no) As blitz picks up the phone she screams into it "WHAT!" Stola on the other side seductively answers "Why hello my tight puss blitzy" Both Octavia and Blitz spits out coffee they were drinking and yell what the fuck at Stola besides Jack who is still just there "Language,everyone" When Stola turns back to the phone she says "I have a special request" Blitz answers back "Oh,look I just got a chemical peel so you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feather ass" "It's for my daughter" "Ah,well make sure she washes it" Stola in a panic says "No,no,no,no,no,I'm taking my daughter to LooLoo Land and I was hoping you brave little imps and Jack would accompany us" Before Blitz could answer she heard Jack from the other side say "Sure,well go with" "Wait,Jack what are you doing there also do we have to we're assassins not bodygaurds" "First of all:we're going and that's final and second of all:none of your business" "Fine but what's in it for us Stola" "I'll pay you" "What" "Money~" "DEAL!"Blitz shouts as she slams the phone on the desk,she then picks up a megaphone and speaks into it "M&M get in here we're going to LooLoo Land" Moxxie opens the door and with a confused tone says "LooLoo Land?" After she said that Millie breaks through the window on top of the door and says in an excited tone "LooLoo Land!" Blitz speaks into the megaphone again "LooLoo Land!" From the back we hear Loona shout at everyone "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" We cut back to the Goetia mansion with Octavia,Jack,Stola and Stola decided to speak up as they walk out of the castle
Stola: "How long do you think it'll take them to arrive Jack" Jack: "Oh,they're not on your way" Stola: "What,why" Jack: "I texted Moxxie to tell blitz to go ahead and go to LooLoo Land to scout the area for your arrival while we go in my car" Octavia and Stola both look at Jack confused when jack saw their faces all he said was "What?" Octavia: "You own a car?" Jack: "Yeah,wait did you think I didn't own a car" Stola: "Well,I've never seen you with one so I just thought you walked everywhere" Jack: "Hehe,I have a car you've just never been able to see it because I hide it" Jack presses a button on his wrist and they hear the roar of a engine and they see a figure come out from the shadow of the house,it was a full black BMW 18 with tinted windows

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