(TighCyno) The Adventure Only Ends When Another Begins

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I am getting close to the last season of the Pokémon Journeys series which means I'm getting closer and closer to the end of Ash's era and I get emotional just thinking about watching the final episode so my coping mechanism is making Genshin and Pokémon (Journeys specifically because that's the series I like the most and it has my favourite Pokémon in it) come together.

I'll try making the characters (aka just Cyno and Tighnari for now, might make more of Genshin x Pokémon but am not sure) as canon as possible. THEY ARE NOT BASED OFF OF POKÉMON CHARACTERS, IT'S JUST LIKE AS IF THEY LIVED IN POKÉMON FROM THE VERY START, THEY'RE STILL GENSHIN CHARACTERS AND THEREFORE IT'S NOT AS IF CYNO IS BASED OFF OF GOH OR ASH OR WHATEVER




"Umbreon, finish it with Quick Attack!"

One swift attack, and the opponent was down.
The Rotom Drone flew towards the Farfetch'd on the ground, checking on it before announcing;
"Farfetch'd is unable to battle. Umbreon wins, which means Cyno is the winner of this battle!"

The trainer who owned Farfetch'd went to check on the Pokémon herself, before getting the flying type Pokémon to return into its pokeball. She stood up with a sigh, watching as Cyno walked over to her.

"That was a good fight. Your Farfetch'd is trained very well." The white haired man said as he offered his hand to the woman.

The woman accepted the gesture, shaking Cyno's hand. Her long, red hair moving slightly at the impact of the handshake. "Heh, thanks! But I will definitely need to work harder now this battle has passed. Congratulations on your win!"

When the two trainers had said their goodbyes, Cyno turned and went on his way, his Umbreon walking beside him loyally.
Cyno's white hair was put up in a high ponytail. He wore a black crop top, and a pair of high waist cargo pants that were a dark grey. He wore a thin, black cardigan with short sleeves and golden details above the crop top, and his arms were decorated with golden and purple wristbands. With that was a pair of black, fingerless gloves. He also wore simple black slippers, and he had a golden necklace with some sort of small, ancient looking eye pendant hanging from his neck. Although his hair was put up in a ponytail, his bangs always refused to be tied with it, making one of his red eyes invisible behind the bangs.
Some would say he's dressed like that to match Umbreon, like some people do with their Pokémon, but this was just his preferred clothing style, really.
Cyno just reached the local park of the city, when he saw Umbreon stop walking from the corner of his eyes.

"What is it, Umbreon?" He asked his buddy. Although he knew it couldn't reply to him vocally, it tended to give him a form or communication with its body. But now, it seemed to be focused on... something of which Cyno didn't know what it was. "...Umbreon?"
When the Pokémon started to run, so did Cyno, but the trainer more out of fear of losing his Pokémon.

The dark type Pokémon ran off into the forest right beside the park, making Cyno panic a little. If they went too deep in... He wasn't sure what sort of Pokémon lived in the forest, and he might lose sight of Umbreon.
Although, it wasn't too long until Umbreon slowed its phase and Cyno could catch up with it. But the man was curious was to why Umbreon decided to act this way, so he stayed just a little behind his Pokémon, and his question was answered soon;

A Leafeon.
It almost looked made out of gold with the way the sunlight was casting through the leaves of the trees covering them from high up. The green on its ears almost looked as if they were glowing. It was such a gorgeous sight to stumble upon.

Cyno slowly grabbed a pokeball from a pocket of his jeans, enlarging it and preparing to hopefully catch another Eeveelution. Cyno wasn't one for Leaf type Pokémon, he was much more skilled with Dark types, but it would be nice to have an Eeveelution added to his Pokedex beside Umbreon and Jolteon.
He raised his arm to about the same height as his head, aiming at the Pokémon, and.....


Cyno almost dropped the pokeball due to the startle of that sudden shout. Looking to his right he could see someone hurrying over to the Leafeon, and the person went to stop and stand before the Pokémon in a protective stance, and... Oh.

The person had a masculine appearance. He was taller than Cyno, but by only three or four centimetres. His hair almost came until his shoulders, and it was mainly black, but there were three thick, green streaks visible at the front. The flat hair was pulled back into a tiny, low ponytail at the back of the man's head aside from the mentioned green streaks, which rested beside the man's face. Although there was a frown on the man's face, it couldn't hide the multicolored brown and green eyes. The man was slightly tanned, like Cyno. Cyno had just a little more tan, but they didn't stray too far from the same skin colour. The stranger's outfit existed out of a dark blue hoodie with loose, short sleeves and thin, white (or beige-ish), long sleeves sticking out from the sleeves of the hoodie. The man also wore a pair of sweatpants that came just a little above his ankles, and a pair of boots with slight platforms. For accessories, Cyno could see one single earring in the man's right ear, and he wore thick, black bracelets on both of his wrists. No spikes, like Cyno had seen someone wear before, but just plain black bracelets.

"What do you think you're doing? This is my Leafeon." The stranger scolded Cyno, who blinked a few times and tucked the pokeball he held back in his pocket.

"I- uh, sorry. I didn't know..." Cyno mumbled out, suddenly feeling rather awkward.

The man before him sighed, crossing his arms. "Of course, you couldn't know... Apologies. I shouldn't have let my Leafeon sneak away from me the way it did..." He then noticed Umbreon. "...An Umbreon?"

"Yeah." Cyno huffed out lightheartedly. "It's my buddy. I got it ever since it was an egg."

"Huh, interesting." The man hummed, walking closer to Umbreon to seemingly inspect it. His Leafeon following him loyally, unlike how it had done before (hence why Cyno- or Umbreon had found it alone at first). "Your bond must be really strong, then. And you must've had a lot of patience and dedication too... Evolving an Eevee into Umbreon isn't the easiest thing to do."

"I prefer my Dark type Pokémon." Cyno said as he shrugged his shoulders. Although the man inspecting his Pokémon didn't look as if he had any plans to cause harm, Cyno was still a little wary and watched the stranger's every move. "I also own a Jolteon. Electric types are also ones I enjoy training and battling with."

"You're a trainer?" The black and green haired stranger glanced at Cyno, raising an eyebrow. "Are you participating in the World Coronation Series?" when Cyno nodded, the other stood up straight, and offered Cyno his hand. "My name's Tighnari. I work at Cerise Laboratory and I specify in Leaf type Pokémon, but as of late I also do research on all Eeveelutions... If you'd like me to, I could check up on your Umbreon and Jolteon after battles every once in a while. I am skilled at healing Pokémon beside researching them."

Cyno shook Tighnari's hand as he introduced himself. "I'm Cyno. And I'll see what I can do if I'm close by, but thank you for the offer."

"It's no problem." Tighnari said, a gentle smile appearing on his face, which (although he wouldn't admit it out loud) made Cyno's face feel just a tiny bit warmer upon seeing that smile. "As I said, I also look into Eeveelutions. I wouldn't dare causing them any harm, but I'd like to inspect yours when you have time... Here, I'll give you the address to Cerise Laboratory. If you ever decide to stop by, just tell someone there that you're looking for me. See you another time, hopefully."

It all happened too quickly. Cyno missed almost everything of what Tighnari said beside some important points like the slight taller giving the address to the lab and asking people for Tighnari if he ever were to visit. Before Cyno knew it, Tighnari waved at him and walked away, leaving Cyno to watch him go with the researcher's Leafeon following its owner, and his own Umbreon looking at its owner being absolutely lost.
Looking down to his Rotom Phone, Cyno stared at the location written down on the map of his phone, and he then saved it.

Maybe he will pass by Cerise Laboratory sometime soon...

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