Into you

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(Tommy realize he's in love with Tubbo and Ranboo so he goes to talk to his family. Tommy is 18 in this. Tubbo is also 18 and Ranboo is 19.)

Tommy walks into Sam and Ponks house where his dads and siblings are waiting. He smiles when he sees them all in the living room. "I have a problem so I'm in love with my best friends." George smiles and stands up "Then go tell them how you fill." Tommy blinks "Do you think it will work? I'm so scared because like I'm so into them that I can barely breathe and all I wanna do Is to fall in deep."  George smiles as he says "And you fill like close ain't close enough. 'Til you cross that line." Quakity smiles and say "Loves like a game you play. All you can do is roll the dice." Tommy sighs as he looks at his hand "But how do I get that conversation started when I'm around them it always fells like temperature's rising." Eret smiles as he says "Your just gonna have to make it happen? You can't keep waiting and waiting for them to make a move." Tommy nods "So I need to make a move?" His brothers nod "Yes" they all say. Hannah walks over to her brother as she says "Go to them. Let this filling light you up. Then maybe They'll let you in on it." Tommy sighs "But it's a little bit dangerous. What if they don't love me back?" Ponk shrugs as he says "Listen to us when we say they want you. So go and talk to them." Quakity wiggles his eyebrows as he says "You want a little less conversation and a little more touch your body." Sam smacks the back of his sons head as he looks at his youngest son "Tommy there so into you. You always have them watchin' you. There not good at keeping their feelings a secret." Tommy sighs "But poly is a little bit scandalous." Sam wraps his arm around his son "Just go to them." He opens his door and pushes Tommy out. Tommy heads towards Ranboo and Tubbos house as he tells his self don't let them see your fear. He makes it to the house and knocks on the door. The minute it opens he smiles at Ranboo and Tubbo and says "A little less conversation and a little more touch my body! 'Cause I'm so into you." Tubbo grabs Tommy hand and pulls him into the house as Tommy says " I'm sorry I just couldn't keep takeing my time.  I made too many mistakes. But I know this just feels so right. Every time I try to get this conversation started. My temperature just starts rising. I just couldn't keep waiting and waiting for you to make a move. So Ill make a move. Your smiles just light me up and I know you probably won't let me in this relationship. I know it's a little bit dangerous. But that's how I want it." Tubbo puts his finger over Tommy's lips as he says "A little less conversation and a little more touch my body cause we're so into you. We have had everyone watchin' us. We didn't keep our love for you a secret." Tommy blinks and says "But this would be scandalous." Ranboo sighs and says "Tommy a little less conversation and a little more touch my body. 'Cause We're so into you. Tell me what you came here for cause I can't, wait no more. I'm on the edge with no control and I need, you to know. So darling come light us up and we will let you in on this. This wont be dangerous. We just want you." Tommy blushes and says "A little less conversation and a little more touch your body?" Tubbo nods and pulls Tommy into a kiss. "We love you too Tommy."

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