mom is calling?

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𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲

right now matt was on stream an you were in the background just lying on the bed. you were facing matt at the foot of the bed, with your feet kicking in the background. (i hope yk what i mean)

matt was just playing fortnite with nick and chris on stream. every once in a while the chat would ask you different questions and you would respond to every one of them.

while you were on your phone scrolling through tiktok, your phone was ringing. matt turned his chair towards you.

"who's that?" matt asks curiously.

"my mom," you say.

"oh! can i say hi?" matt smiles, getting excited.

matt and your mom have always had a good relationship. it wasn't awkward or tense but they were genuinely friends. your mom was very fond of matt and loved having him over, especially for sleepovers.

you roll your eyes playfully before picking up the phone, "hey mom," you speak into the phone.

she was on speaker phone so the stream would probably pick up on your guys conversation.

matt rolled his gaming chair towards the bed before almost yelling into the phone, "HI MS L/N, ITS MATT," matt spoke excitedly.

"hey y/n, hi matt, how are you sweetie?" your mom asked sharing the same energy with matt.

of course you thought your mom was asking you how you were because she called, "i'm doing gr-," you got cut off from your energetic boyfriend.

"i'm doing amazing, thanks for asking! how are you ms l/n?" matt asked genuinely interested.

you were not surprised, you knew your mom always had a soft spot for matt. matt wasn't like your other past boyfriends and she loved that about him.

"i'm doing great, matt! anyways y/n i needed to ask you something," she continued.

she asked her question and you easily gave her the question. soon after catching up you hang up. the chat was freaking out, finding it adorable that matt loves keeping contact with your mom.

"chat, i love y/n's mom, she's the best." matt states to the chat.

you giggle at matt. you honestly loved that he got along with your mom. every time you, matt and your mom would hang out or talk you always felt like you were third wheeling, but you liked feeling like that. feeling so connected especially with the two people you love most.


super short kinda sweet <3

have u guys listened to drakes new album yet? i can't even make it thru one song tbh sorry 🥱

my fucking english teacher gets on my nerves so tucking bad oml.

anyways ima try to be more active !


love yall !

- lily 🧸

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