we fuck off and on

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(no smut! but there is a spicy make out scenes! don't come for me!) 

𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥, 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡

you and matt had an off and on relationship. in reality you guys didn't like each other. it was more so enemies to lovers, just without the lovers.

well, every other night you would sneak up to matt's room and you both would make out a couple times, then say your goodbyes and go to sleep.

and tonight was one of those nights. right now, you were living with the triplets in their la house and would keep watch of the house when they're in boston or somewhere else.

this living arrangement made it perfect to sneak up into matt's room. your room was located all the way down stairs by chris' room. knowing chris, he was a very heavy sleeper so when you snuck out he wouldn't hear. and nick's room was all the way upstairs so there was no way in hell he would hear.

you were currently in your room, about to sneak out. you knew matt was waiting for you because he texted you, "you coming?"

you throw on a hoodie that matt let you borrow from one of the other nights you've been doing this. you knew you would need a hoodie to cover all of the spots on your neck that matt would always leave afterwards.

you open your door, quietly tip toeing upstairs to his room. you make it to his room and knock on his door. it was a secret knock to make sure matt knew it was you.

you open the door slightly and peek into the room. matt was sitting on his bed, scrolling on his phone. he looked up at you, ushering you towards him by waving his hand, you followed.

you shut the door and stepped closer to his bed, that he was laying on. matt was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt.

"wearing my clothes, are we now?" matt makes a snarky comment.

"you let me borrow it, dipshit," you playfully roll your eyes.

"c'mere," he says in a raspy voice, signaling you to get on the bed with him. folded.

you get on the bed and face him. before you know it matt grabbed your head and smashed his lips on yours. he did this every time, so it wasn't unusual.

you finally followed along and soon you both were in sync. matt was currently hovering over you and holding your hand tightly while you both were kissing. matt would always hold your hand.

it still gave you butterflies every damn time but you knew you couldn't feel this way about matt.

matt pulls away, looking into your eyes.

"may i?" he asks to take your sweatshirt off. you nod your head.

"no y/n, tell me if you want this or not," matt says sternly.

"yes, i want this, please." you smile.

matt nods, taking your sweatshirt off, leaving you in just a white tank top. he throws it somewhere else on his bed.

matt darts his head to your neck. at this point, when your guy's make out sesh became a daily thing, matt knew where your sweet spot was.

yet he knew but he would always tease you first, or make you wait.

matt kissed and lightly sucked on different spots of your neck, not getting a reaction out of you. heavy sighs was the response to matt when he wasn't getting your sweet spot.

"matt, cmon already," you say, rolling your eyes, being impatient.

matt stops. completely.

"hey! i didn't say stop completely," you frown at him, sighing.

"be patient. other girls would be dying for this right now and you're here complaining," matt cocks his eye brow in defense.

"yeah, yeah sure," you say annoyed, throwing your head back on his pillow.

matt continues leaving love bites all over your neck. he'd leave at least four on each side of your neck and every time he'd smile at his work.

matt makes it up to your sweet spot. light noises coming out of your mouth, you squeezed matt's bicep to let him know you were enjoying it.

every once in a while he'd alternate between your lips and your sweet spot and that made it better.

he was currently sucking and lightly biting on one of the spots on your jaw while his hands were scooping you up, kind of in a hug position, tracing circles on your back with his finger. folded 2x.

after a while you guys stopped, getting tired. you both decided to go into the kitchen to get a drink. but what you didn't realize was nick and chris on the couch looking right at you in pure shock.

"what the fuck." nick blankly stares.

"what were you doing in there," chris hesitated before speaking.

nick saw the dark red and purple spots all over your neck and matt's jawline all the way to the middle of his chest. he also noticed both of your glossy lips and matt's messed up hair.

you looked down at the ground the whole time, taking interest in the ground to save the awkwardness of this situation.

"ok, um, there's no easy way to explain this but, we've been sneaking in each others rooms and well," matt got cut off.

"yes! we know what you were doing!" chris practically yelled.

matt being tired of his brothers bullshit he grabbed your hand and dragged you back into his room with him.

he shut the door and locked it. the silence was loud. matt scratched the back of his neck before speaking.

"wanna do it again?" matt asks curiously.

"what kind of question is that," you speak before grabbing his face, smashing your already glossy lips onto his.


i still feel like this is 2 much 😭😭

you guys really liked the other one so here's a similar one !

love y'all

- lily 🧸

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