late night love

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𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱

right now matt and his brothers were out of their apartment, filming a car video. that meant you were home alone.

you were lying in matt's bed with mr wrinkleton in your lap. matt always trusted you with mr wrinkleton. you found it quite cute, actually.

scrolling on tiktok for what felt like hours, you finally heard the front door open. listening to three sets of feet drag on the group, you knew they were tired.

recently the triplets had been filming way more car videos than usual because they had lost a bunch of film footage and they were making it all up. that meant they were out at night for hours just arguing about different topics.

suddenly matt's bedroom door opened, revealing a very sleepy matt. you love matt either way, but when he is super tired, you find it adorable.

matt slipped his shoes off and trailed into the bed with you and mr wrinkleton.

matt sighed heavily before speaking, "hey,"

"hi," you replied back with a subtle smile, turning towards him, giving him your full attention.

"long day?" you ask. you knew the answer was going to be a yes but you always tried to look at the brighter side of things. matt loved that about you.

"you don't even understand," he sighed again.

matt finally turned to realize that mr wrinkleton was gone. that was before he found his pug on your lap.

matt dropped his jaw in response of this "so called" tragedy.

"no way that mr wrinkleton is stealing cuddles from MY girlfriend," matt spoke, emphasizing the "my"

"mr wrinkleton can hear you, y'know," you spoke raising your eyebrows playfully.

matt suddenly yanked the stuffed animal off your lap and placed him on the night stand that was closest to him.

matt proceeded to then scoot closer to you, more so climbing on top of you to engulf the warmth of your body.

"this is a lot better," matt spoke very softly, almost a whisper.

it was moments like this that you and matt had loved. just the silence of you two radiating off each others body heat.

after a couple minutes, matt rested his chin on your chest, looking up at you. this way he was giving you puppy dog eyes. your favorite.

this angle also resulted in the admiration of the dark purple circles under his eyes. this poor boy needed sleep and you would make sure he would get that tonight.

"you're so pretty," you said giggling, tracing your thumbs against his sharp cheekbones.

matt engulfed his face back into your neck as a response of him blushing immediately at the comment.

you laughed at his response. you continued to run your fingers through his dark chocolate hair.

"there's no way my girl is calling me pretty, i should be saying that." matt mumbled against your skin, tickling you.

before you could respond to his snarky comment, you faintly heard soft snores. no way this kid fell asleep.

although you missed talking to matt, you were very glad he was getting the sleep he deserves.

every once in a while you would gently kiss different parts of his face and mutter sweet things into his ear, reminding him you were still here with him.

little did you know that he was half asleep and heard everything you said and would later bully you about it the next day.


sorry i've been so inactive !!

i will be working on requests but this was a draft of mine !!

also u guys need to go starbucks and get a sugar cookie latte because mwah chefs kiss 💋



- lily 🧸

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