last minute costume

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𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝 (𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄, 𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲-𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐩

(requested by kaylaisurmom22 )

it was october and all month you had been stressing over what to wear for a costume. all of the costume ideas you saw on tiktok weren't catching your eye.

because of that you decided to just not dress up at all and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters all night. this obviously resulted to canceling the plans you had with matt.

matt wanted you to be a plus one at a halloween party that him and his brothers were attending to. it was a costume party and you had no costume.

currently you were lying in bed, on your side with your arm holding your head up. you were scrolling on tiktok while matt was getting drinks for you both.

you heard the bedroom door open and revealed your boyfriend holding two root beers. he gently placed them onto his nightstand and hopped onto the bed with you.

your back was facing him but you could still see him out of the corner of your eye.

matt had a ransom hoodie on and grey sweats on. he got out of the shower about 30 minutes ago, which meant his hair was a little wet. when matt had wet hair it made you go absolutely feral.

continuing to scroll on tiktok, you left something tickling the side of your neck. that tickling is matt kissing your neck. playfully rolling your eyes, you shift your position and lay flat on your back. this also resulted to matt moving but his lips never leaving your neck.

"ugh, i don't know what to be for halloween, it's literally tomorrow and i have nothing!" you complained to a very distracted matt. he was more focused on something else. something else meaning your neck.

"i mean cmon, i always have a costume ever goddamn year and suddenly i have no idea! honestly i'm just gonna sit outside on my driveway, sitting in my lawn chair with my big bowl of candy, freezing my ass off and handing candy out to sticky trick-or-treaters!" you exclaimed very passionately.

"y/n, cmon now, look im doing my best work right here and you're just talking right through it." matt stops, looking very unfazed. (please tell me u get the reference)

"you're right, sorry. please continue." you reply, showing him a genuine apology.

matt goes back to your neck, "it's okay, baby," he mumbled against your skin, his warm breath tickling you again.

when matt kept sucking, biting, and gently licking your neck and collarbones it gave you an idea.

you gasp in relief, you finally knew what you were gonna be for halloween.

"i know! i can be a vampire and so can you!" you state.

matt chuckled against your skin, "it took you that long to think of an idea so basic?" matt genuinely asked.

"shut up, bernard," you playfully roll your eyes, pushing his face away.

you hopped off the bed, with matt following you like a lost puppy and made your way to the bathroom.

you looked in the mirror and found a few purple hickeys matt had left earlier.

usually you would be pissed when matt leaves hickeys on you but since it matched your costume idea, you went with it.


it was halloween night, well it was 8 o'clock pm and you and matt were currently getting ready for the party.

matt was wearing a leather jacket with grey and red accents, black jeans, and his air forces.

although, you were wearing a little back dress and black knee high boots.

your outfit didn't matter that much, it was mainly the makeup that would tie it all together.

you did your usual makeup routine but added smudged red lipstick and fake blood oozing out the sides of your mouth all the way down to your collarbones.

the hickeys matt had left the previous day were still intact, looking bruised.

when matt walked in his bedroom to collect his plastic vampire teeth, he was amazed.

matt stumbled across you adjusting your dress and was mesmerized.

"oh, hey ba-," you noticed him walk in, but suddenly got cut off.

"i- wha-," matt stuttered over his words. he cleared his throat, "um, you're going out like that?" matt asked, genuinely amazed by how you looked.

"i was planning on it, why?" you replied, shoving your hair off your shoulder.

"well, just be prepared because there is no damn way i'm keeping my hands off you," matt spoke, grabbing your waist.

"seriously, baby, you look jaw dropping. like how are you even real?" matt stated.

"stop, matt." you giggle, hiding your face in his chest.

you both eventually got your things and left. the location for the party was only 20 minutes away.

you and matt had a blast. and matt was right, he in fact did not leave your side, trying to touch you any chance he could.


stop i lowk love this one sm

i honestly feel like all of my imagines are always the same, i need new ideas.


also my bday is 4 days away, lucky me 🤗 (not)



- lily 🧸

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