make you feel it

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𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐭, 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐬, 𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝, 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐧

recently you and matt have gotten frisky. maybe a little too frisky. you didn't mind it, like at all. matt had really been enjoying it though, and it shows.

this entire week you and the triplets have been at parties, birthday parties, and brand celebrations.

these parties would last for hours. all of you would come home and immediately feel exhausted. not matt though.

during these outings matt was all over you. he would never leave your side.

after you and matt came back from these outings, matt would smother you. full-on on top of you, kissing every square inch of your face, neck, and stomach.

matt had been doing this for the whole week. it was currently saturday.

tonight was one of those nights that matt had been waiting for all day.

you and the triplets had walked through the front door, all of you heading to your designated areas.

as soon as you stepped foot into matt's room, you were pinned against the closed door.

matt had wasted no time, connecting his lips with yours. matt slid off your puffer jacket while still making out with you.

he gently moved you, leading you towards the foot of his bed. matt then embraced you, smoothly laying you down on his black silk sheets.

"matt," you breathed out.

matt stopped, giving his full attention to you.

matt was such a sweetheart. he always stopped whenever you told him to, never wanting to make you uncomfortable or unhappy.

"although i appreciate this and would love to continue, im just too tired to." you sigh.

"oh. it's okay, relax. i'll do all the work and you can lay there and look all pretty." matt smiled.

"matt i don't kn-," you tried to spit out, before matt cut you off.

"please, y/n. i just wanna make you feel good," matt looked up at you, giving puppy eyes.

you couldn't say no. it was physically impossible. how could you say no without making him upset. he just cares for you.

"ok," you give in, smiling.

"wait, are you sure?" matt asks, still wanting approval.

"im sure, matt," you reassured him.

matt smiled at you, before shutting you up with a kiss. after a short while the kiss turned into a make out session.

still laying on the bed, matt hovered over you, holding your hand with one of his hands with his big hand on the small of your back.

after a while, matt let go, revealing his pink lips all red and glossy.

matt relocated towards your neck. matt absolutely loved leaving little love bites all over your body, but especially your neck.

it was something about marking the girl he loved, showing and making it aware you were his and his only. something about the purple, swollen marks on your neck would always contrast with your skintone and eyes.

matt kissed, licked, bit, and sucked on almost every square inch of your neck, including your collarbones.

this caused small, soft noises or whines to come out of your neck. particularly when he reached your sweet spot. he had gotten used to all your sweet spots and where they were in a heartbeat.

matt looked at the hoodie you currently had on. he hesitated before tugging on it softly, asking for permission to remove it, which you agreed to.

when he slid it off your body, he relocated to your stomach. matt also loved kissing your stomach.

matt would always lick before biting, which then led to kissing and sucking. this would always cause eruption in your stomach, making it hard to breathe correctly from matt exploring all over your body.

after a few more small whines and sloppy kisses, you guys decided to call it a night.

after a long period of making out, matt consistently made sure you ate, had something to drink, and he put on your favorite show.

matt slid off your shoes, got you your pajamas to change into, and gave you a reece with a glass of ice water. your favorite.

you went to the bathroom to change, while matt was also changing in his room. you slid on a purple tank top with grey sweats.

you knocked on the door, making sure matt was fully changed before coming in, which he was.

matt had no shirt on and black sweats. this guy, you thought.

matt turned off the lights, leaving the only light being the tv, which was playing gossip girl.

you both crawled into bed, matt laying on top of you, in the crook of your neck.

"y/n, you know i love you, right?" matt whispered.

"mhm, i love you too." you mumble, drifting off to sleep.

once you fell asleep, matt whispered sweet nothings into your ear, while playing with your hair.


i swear u guys b horny asf cuz i'll of my "spicy" imagines get so many reads.

anyways submissive men >>

also this song has been stuck in my head for like a week.



- lily 🧸

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