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Just who Is that boy?

The boy smiled at me as we made eye contact, I nervously looked down. I continued walking, thinking he would do the same, Until I heard a voice.

"What's your name? I've never seen you around." I looked up and saw the boy smiling widely as crouched down to be at eye level with me. I immediately went red, this boy sure wasn't nervous at all. And to be honest, it was kinda cute.

"Y/N..I'm uhm, Shanks and Makinos granddaughter." I said sheepishly, as he stood up straight.

"The old man has a granddaughter? Whoa! I didn't think Shanks carried any good looks in his genes..." The boy chuckled, he seemed to mean it more as an insult to Shanks rather than a flirt. But hey, I'd take it for sure. 

"Y-What's your name?" I asked, trying to muster up some confidence, he grinned and answered.

"Luffy, remember it." I somehow turned even redder, I felt myself burning.

"L-Luffy..mhm.." I looked back up and our eyes met.

"I- uh- need to get back for dinner..I'll see you again soon, I hope." I muttered the last part quietly, I took a step forwards. Before I could, he grabbed my wrist.

"I just wanted to say, you have really nice eyes." He smiled before softly letting go of my wrist, I burned up even more.

"Thank you..yours are pretty too.." I whispered the last part, before smiling a little bit and continuing walking.

Luffy turned and watched me walk away with a grin, as I turned the corner I squeezed my own hand tight. That boy, something about him was so.. perfect.

I opened the door and saw my grandma cooking, she greeted me and told me dinner would be ready soon. I nodded and went to my room opened my messages to see if anyone had even reached out to me since school ended. 

No recent notifications.

I sighed, I had friends at school, I think. But they probably weren't the best, they weren't the kindest...and might be a bit of a bad influence on me. But I might as well cling onto them for this final year, I didn't want to spend my senior year alone.

My train of thought was interrupted by my grandma calling me to dinner, I got up and made my way to the table.

"Did you look around the village today?" My grandpa asked curiously as my grandma set the food onto the table. 

"I looked around a bit and then went to the beach for a while, I met a couple people." I smiled as I helped myself to some food.

"That's nice, who'd you meet?" My grandma asked as she sat down.

"Just two girls on the beach, and uhm.." I was unsure to tell them about Luffy. "I met a nice boy on the way back."

"A boy hm? What was his name?" My grandpa smirked, maybe I shouldn't have added the word "nice" when mentioning him.

"Oh- his name was..Luffy." I mumbled, quietly.

Summer boy // LUFFY X READERWhere stories live. Discover now