二十三 ; Aftermath

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Time for lore! I love Hikari so much.
Enjoy :)



There was a time when my life was peaceful, when I could be happy with who I was and not feel conflicted. When my family was all I had, and all I needed.

Of course, nothing lasts forever. Everything I loved was taken away from me. But that's not uncommon. It seems to be the norm now, after all.

My father was an incredible swordsman. A Cultivator he was not, but a triumphant and lawful warrior he was. One of my biggest regrets to this day is that I was never able to master what he taught me. Another one of those regrets is the curse I have set on my bloodline, by falling into the inescapable clutches of evil.

This curséd world is one in which malice has a name, its name being Muzan Kibutsuji. His simple presence overwhelms the atmosphere and makes tension thick enough to cut through, his sole existence darkens the Earth and blackens its skies. When he came to me with what I thought was pity, I thanked him in a hope to regain what I had lost.

I should have known there was no way to regain anything. I got nothing back that was old, and everything that was new. In my time of desperation, evil seemed inviting. It felt as if I was saved from whatever hell I was in and sent to a new one.

After I committed to my biggest regret, I was engulfed in a world of darkness. I wished I could take back everything I had done, I was disgusted that I had chosen such an unforgivable path. I hated myself more than I hated anyone or anything else.

Until he spoke to me one more time.

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That's what he told me. I couldn't believe him, a part of me didn't want to believe him. I could barely fathom that he was standing in front of me again. I thought I had lost him forever, that we would never see eye to eye until death reunited us.

"Hikari... you never did any wrong in your lifetime. You may believe you have committed the gravest sin, and people may claim that of you."

"But I know you never chose any of this."

"Brother," I said. "How can you say these things knowing it is not I who stands before you? How can you speak of me this way knowing I am not the same person you saw while you died?"

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