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Beomgyu's POV
I actually can't believe,today is actually the day!
Mom & Lily are getting ready cuz just 1 hour is remaining before the guests start coming. I don't know where dad is, i saw him talking on a phone call but then he went somewhere. I hope he comes before the ring ceremony starts.

I also got ready and sat infront of the mirror to practice before going downstairs cuz I'm too nervous. "So are you ready to be mine?" I said to myself in the mirror "nah it's too cheesy" i said waving towards myself.

Y/n's POV

Mom and dad are excited more than me but doesn't matter, they deserve to be happy. Yeonjun is still a bit sad but he genuinely smiles whenever he sees me happy talking about Beomgyu. I just hope he doesn't shed tears cuz if he does I don't think i would be able to control my tears...thinking about this made me emotional and a tear escaped from my eyes but i wipe it away cuz i heard my room's gate opening, guess i was a quite late and Yeonjun already saw me tearing up and he walked towards with me with a sigh.

"Why are you tearing up today" He asked taking a seat beside me on the bed "Why are you sad?" I asked facing him "I asked first" he snapped back "Cuz i would miss you and you being this sad would make it even worse" i answered and signalled him to answer my question now

"Well, You are my sister and I'm your brother, I don't know if you know that I love you more than myself and always wanted to protect you from any circumstances or bad people but knowing that you are soon going to shift from here and i won't be with you like i always was, makes me want to cry my eyes out and scream my lungs out but I'm trusting that brat- i mean Beomgyu. That makes me feel better, it makes me feel as if though, just like as i can risk my life for you, he can too and he will, I know that." He said with a sad but genuine smile, i couldn't do anything but hug him tight and he did the same, i felt my shoulder wet. I pulled away and saw he was crying. Soon after , we were both wiping each other's tears . "Now get ready PABOYAHHH!!" He said getting up from the bed and leaving while i nodded while laughing.

I also got up and putted on the red dress which we brought. I have to say , i actually look good in it. I did my makeup not too heavy but just what was needed and went downstairs.
OKIE My dad and mom were complementing me while i saw Yeonjun glaring hard at my face just FACE. I went to him when i was done talking to my parents.

"You want a jacket?" He said sternly "Yahh! I'm fine and today's my Engagement, can't i even wear today anything that i want ?" I said pouting while he pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded
"I don't want you to think I'm a bad brother but still I'm protective of you" he said "I don't think you are a bad brother don't worry" i said patting his shoulder and he just nodded.

Beomgyu's POV
I was greeting the guests and talking with Soobin and Taehyun just when Y/n's car pulled up in front of the main gate , i quickly removed the non-existent dirt from my coat.
She was wearing a red slit dress which was shaping all her curves perfectly, leaving me in awe, i quickly removed my gaze from her as I realised i was staring at her for way too long.

Then i greeted her parents and did a bro-hug with Yeonjun hyung, there she was with Lily chattering about something. I went and pulled her behind a big tree where no one was present cuz everyone was in the garden.

"Who the hell gave you the permission?" I asked while looking at her from head to toe
"For what?" She asked
"To look this hot on our engagement night?" I asked
"I don't need permission for that" she said with a sly smirk and i pulled her by her waist and she dug her face in my chest.

Doesn't matter  whatever she wears and whatever people think she is , she is still that same Y/n for me who asked me to be friends with her when we were kids.

"What happened?" I asked
"I'm nervous"
"For what?"
"I don't know i just-i just wanna be here for a moment ...?" She said which came out as a question
"Where? Here behind this tree? With me?"
"Exactly" and so we stayed like that for few minutes until i received a call from my mom and she asked us to come for the ring ceremony

(On the stage)

Lily was standing beside where i was sitting with the ring in her hands while Yeonjun hyung was also standing beside where Y/n was sitting doing the same what Lily was doing. And our parents sitting in the front row cheering and all the guests taking pictures. While i saw Soobin and Taehyun smiling teasingly at me, sitting behind my parents

"Make her wear the ring Beomgyu!" My mom shouted
I took her hand in mine and caressed her fingers for few seconds before making her wear the ring, she took my hand in hers small ones and made me wear the ring she brought.

Everyone started cheering and clapping while both of our eyes were fixed on eachother.

Whenever i looked into her eyes it felt as if i could just keep looking at them, keep staring at her. But today, its different. Today it feels as if though, i wanna protect her from every bad thing and be her shield whenever she needs me , today it actually feels like i am all hers and she all mine.

It wasn't long enough before everyone started to go back to their places and chattering with eachother. Before i could even imagine, Y/n pulled my arm and dragged me inside the house and towards my bedroom.

"Why are we here?" I asked while poking her shoulder "Shut up" she said and pulled me close to her so i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her even more closer until no space was left between us.

Soon i leaned my head down a little and she pulled me into a kiss, a soft but deep and passionate kiss. I was flabbergasted because this time she was the one who kissed me.

When she pulled away the only words that escaped my mouth were "I love you Y/n , i love you so much that I can't think about anyone else" i said while taking her hand and kissing it

"Beomiee you know, the first time you proposed me, i don't know why but today it reminded me of it and i just couldn't stand the feeling about all the things that have happened between us and i wanted a moment, just you and me. I love you" she said and rested her head on my chest while i patted her back a little

To be continued...

(A/n: Posting after a long time 👀💘)

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