2- "𝚈𝚘𝚞..."

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"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎..."

I CAME BACK home and quickly slammed the door behind me. "Y/n! What did I tell you about slamming doors." Kate said in an annoyed tone. "Sorry Kate, i'm not really in the mood right now." I told her, walking to my room. "What happened? Did someone try to mess with you when you took your walk?"

"No, this annoying ass boy was at my tree while I was trying to read. I said hi but he ignored me, so I decided to sit on the other side of the tree to read. Then he started playing on his guitar really loudly to point I got up and left and as soon as I walked away. He stopped playing, so now I am really irritated and I would like to be in my room and read, alone!." That was my final word before slamming the door and belly flopping on my bed.

"I'll call you when dinners ready!" I hear Kate say on the other side of the door. I grabbed my book and tried to read a little but I couldn't get that boy out of my head. "Ughhhh" I screamed and slammed my book on the dresser. It was already 7:00 so I decided to take a nap for a while till Kate called me down for dinner.


It was the week of me and Kate moving to the Fairchild Manor. Not gonna lie i'm kinda excited to be moving here than I was last week. I might be able to see if what people say about this place is really true. I grab my suitcase and start to head to the car so me and Kate can go.

"Shit, Y/n I forgot something, I'll be right back." Kate told me. I waited beside the car and waited for her to come back. I look around outside, noticing how leaves were started to fall from the trees. Finally it was autumn, my favorite season of all times. And with fall being here, that means halloween is right around the corner!

I look around some more until I see someone that kinda look familiar. She had long, black and red box braids in her hair, a graphic tee with brown low cut jeans and converses. Wait, is that?... No it can't be.

I run up to her and said, "Imani!?" She turned around when I called her name. When she turned around and saw me, her eyes widened. "Y/n!!?" We quickly hugged and started rambling on and on about how we haven't seen each other in so long. Imani was childhood best friend. We was so close with each other until my parents died and I got put in an adoption center cause I had no other family close by to take me in.

"Bro, it's been so longggg, how are you!" I asked her. "I'm doing well, I missed you so much tho. When you went to that adoption center, I thought I was never going to see you again." She told me. I almost started to tear up. "I guess fate brought us together." I chuckled.

"What are you doing here tho?" I questioned. "Well my dad decided to move here cause he needed a "new start" after him and my mom divorced." She told me. "Damn, im sorry."

"Nah its good, I still talk to her and she visits during holidays, and also its kinda like having two birthdays and two christmases." She joked. "But what are you do right now?"

"Me and Kate, my adopted mom, are going to that weird manor thats like further out from where I live." I told her. "You mean that haunted house that people talk about. I heard that crazy shit be happening there." She said. "Yea, I've heard, i'm only going cause Kate got this job to babysit and teach the little girl that lives there."

"Well, stay safe girly. My house address is ***********, you can come over anytime, also I go to **********." She said, telling me her address and what school she goes to. "Bro I go to that school too!" I said excitedly.

"Ouuu, well I'll see you monday!" She said, walking off. "Bye Imani!" I yelled. "Bye Y/n, it was nice seeing you again!" She yelled back. I walked back over the car to see Kate standing beside it. "I told you to stay here, what if the car was stolen." She said, sounding annoyed. "How would they steal a car without the keys." I told her, taking the keys out my pocket and dangling them in front of her face. I give her the keys and got into the passengers side of the car.

She got in after me and started the car up and started to drive off. "Hey, who was that girl you was talking to?" Kate asked me while keeping her eyes on the road. "Oh she was one of my old childhood friends before my parents died and i'm glad I reconnected with her." I replied to Kate.

"Well that's nice!" She said back. About 20 minutes later, we finally pull up to the house. Oh my God this shit is big as hell. Kate pulled up to the gate (hehe Kate, gate) as it opened slowly, letting us come in. We both step out of the car and look up to see the large building in front of us. "Holy shit..." I say to myself. Me and Kate grab our stuff and knock on the door.

The door opened and revealed an old lady. "Hello you must be the Mandell's" The old lady said. She kinda looks like a dried up raisin. "Yep that is us and you are?..." "Mrs. Grose, I help around here and was really close friends with the Fairchild's before they died in a car accident." The dried up raisin said to Kate, I really didn't care about her sob story but I felt bad for the little girl who lost her parents at such a young age. She kinda reminds me of myself.

"I am so sorry for you losses." Kate said to Mrs.Grose. "Well its alright that was a few years ago but I am glad that you are here. Our old nanny left here, talking about something was haunting her and creepy things kept happening to her." Mrs. Grose told us while walking into the manor.

"Creepy things you say... like ghost?" I questioned. "Oh well of course not, ghosts aren't real." Dried up raisin told me. "Well if ghost aren't real then how come I see you." I blurted out. "Y/n Mendell. Apologize right now." Kate said sternly. "Sorry." I said in a sarcastic tone. Mrs. Grose then cleared her throat and started showing us more of the place. I did hear her mention about Flora, the little girl, had an older brother named Miles, and that he's at boarding school. Probably some stuck up rich kid.

Mrs. Grose then showed me and Kate our rooms. My room was beside that Miles kid and across from kate's. Kate went to go look for Flora while I started to unpack in my "new" room.


My eyes opened as I saw a new environment in front of me. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of my blury vision. *Shit, I forgot I was at this creepy ass place* I thought to myself. I checked my clock and saw that it was 9:58 about to turn 10. I got out my bed and decided to check out the house. I carefully creeped out my room and went into this one room with a bunch of stuff in it. I guess its a supply room.

There were creepy dolls and old furniture in here. I heard something fall and quickly turned around to see some creepy ass mannequin staring me. "Tf-" I said to myself as I got closer to it. I saw its head move very slightly and I jumped and got the hell out of that room. "Fuck no." I spoke out loud quickly closing back the door. I turn around to see this tall figure in front of me.

I jumped a little, hit the door as I looked up to see a somewhat familiar face. "You're not supposed to be in there." he said nonchalantly. "Yea thanks for the heads up." I said sarcastically. The moonlight hit the window and I saw the boy's face a little better.


"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎..."


"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎..." {𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛}Where stories live. Discover now