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"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎..."


I HEADED BACK to my room after me and Miles makeout sesh. I'm honestly so confused by all of this. He's dating my fucking best friend bro, I can't do this to her... But I also can't control my feelings...

Soon it turned to night. I was outside watching the sunset. It was so beautiful and pretty. I was enjoying my alone time until I felt an eerie presence come upon me. I turned around and saw the face I least wanted to see. "Y/n. Will you please tell me what's going on between you and Miles?" Kate asked me.

"I'm not in the mood Kate, really." I told her. My head started hurting from her complaining that she's my guardian and how I have to tell her things, blah blah blah. "Y/n I am serious, that boy is bad news." Kate told me. "Yea whatever, don't worry, i'll be staying away from him for a while." I said while walking back to my room.

Once I made it to my room, I opened the door to see a familiar face. "Miles, what are you doing here?" I ask. "I wanna talk, about us." I felt my heart drop. I knew he was gonna say that. "Talk bout what? Look whatever we did earlier, we obviously had sexual tension to release and it didn't mean nothing ok." I told him sternly. Obviously I was lying but he's dating Imani, I can't do that to her.

"But- Please get out Miles." I interrupted him from saying anything else and he looked at me with hurt in his eyes but he tried to hide it. He walked out my room and went into his, slamming the door behind him. I then heard really loud drum playing in his room through my walls. Was I to hard on him?..


It's been a couple of days since me and Miles last talked. He's been hanging out with Imani more than ever. I barely been able to talk to my best friend. At least I haven't been so lonely lately. Me and Flora have been hanging out more than ever. She's like the little sister i've never had.

I look up and saw Kate coming down stairs. She looked awful, like she was fighting her demons in her sleep. I then hear screaming and laughter coming from the hallway leading up to the living room. Flora comes running in as Miles chases her. "I'm gonna get ya!" They both start to chase around Kate. "Can you guys please stop, it's very early." Kate said softly. They were kinda making her job a little more rough. "Children, can you listen to Kate." Mrs. Grose told them.

They both quiet down and look at Kate. Miles then looks over to me and we make subtle eye contact. I try to wave but before I could, he turned back around. "You need to take charge here Kate." Dried up raisin told her. Kate may not be my favorite person in the whole world but like give her some space, she looks rough and tired. "Bad dreams?" Miles said speaking to Kate. She then looks up at him in a very timid way, like he knew something.

Miles stared at her in a very chill way, like he was taunting her. "So.... how's everyone's day so far?" I say, trying to spark up a conversation. "I have an idea?" Kate says. "Since it's Saturday, why don't we go into Milbrook and get a new koi?" Kate suggested. I notice Flora looks up at her kind of scared and nervous looking. "Yeah." Miles said. "I-i don't want to." Flora told Kate. "Cmon, it'll be fun." Kate says trying to persuade Flora.

"You know that Flora doesn't leave the property." Mrs. Grose reminded Kate. "You don't have to go darling." Mrs. Grose assured Flora. I notice Flora's facial expression relax a little. I look over to Miles who's looking at the mirror, then turns back to Flora. "What if I asked my special friend, huh? Want me to try?" Flora nods her head and Miles and her turn to the mirror. "Will you keep me and Flora safe?" It's kinda sweet how Miles was doing this to cheer up Flora, but as I look closer into the mirror, I notice the same black figure that I saw in the kitchen, which made me jump a little and spill some tea on my shirt.

Kate noticed this and gave me that "You ok?" look. I nodded my head as I looked back over to Miles and Flora. I wonder if anyone else saw what I saw. "You will?" Miles spoke to the mirror. "And Y/n and Kate too?" Flora added on. "And Kate and Y/n too?" He said, adding a bit of a tude when he said my name, petty much. "He says you have nothing to worry about." Miles told her. Flora then gave Miles a hug which I thought was really cute.

"Ok! So go get your coat." Kate told them. Flora started walking out with Mrs. Grose following her. I start to follow them to when I heard Kate and Miles start to talk. I hide behind one of the walls so they don't see me. "Good job Miles." Kate told him. "He also thinks your tattoo is sexy." I hear Miles say before walking off. I quickly hide behind one of the other walls so he doesn't see me. That was weird, and how did he know about Kate's tattoo on her neck...


We all start to get in Kate's car. Miles sits in the passenger seat while me and Flora sit in the backseat. I look out the window to see Mrs.Grose look at Flora, making sure she was ok. She backs away from the car as Kate drives off. I look outside the window to see all the trees we are passing, making our way closer and closer to the gate. I look over and Flora and notice she's tense and nervous. I grab her hand letting her know that it's ok.

"Please stop. I don't want to go." Flora said to Kate. Miles turns around to look at Flora to check on her. "Oh no honey. We're almost at the gate. We'll be fine." Kate reminds Flora. "I don't wanna go! Stop!" Flora unbuckles her seatbelt and then tries to unlock her door. "Flora put your seatbelt back on please." I tell her. I try to calm her down but she starts to cry and freak out. "Hey, what are you doing?" Kate asked her. "I wanna get out!" She said.

I try to calm her down but I really don't know how to comfort someone in a moment like this. "Flora stay in your seat." Kate said. "Stop the car." Miles told Kate. "No, leave your seatbelt on. Y/n help her put back on her seatbelt." Kate told me. "Ian apart of this." I told her. "Miles, tell her to stop or I'm gonna die." Flora said while crying. "Stop the car." Miles said again. "Kate stop the car for real." I said backing them up. "Miles, I don't wanna die!" Flora cried.

"STOP THE CAR OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU." Miles yelled, causing Kate to stop the car. Not gonna lie, me personally, if I was driving I wouldn't stop the car jus sayin- Flora continued to cry as she got up and went to hug me and I try to calm her down. "Shhh, it's ok." I said trying to comfort her. "I told you to stop." Miles said to Kate before getting out the car and slamming the door shut. I opened my side of the car to let Flora out. When her feet reached the ground, she started rushing back to the Manor.

Before I got out the car, I looked to my left and notice Miles slam Kate's door shut before she could get out. "I know what you're afraid of. Keeping the lights on won't keep you safe." He told her before walking away. Kate sits there in shock as I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out the car. I start walking away until I hear Kate's voice. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Back to the Manor. Also that was pretty fucked up what you did." I told her.

"Y/n, language!" She spoke. "Sorry not sorry but that is a 9 year old girl who saw her freaking parents die right in-front of her. I'm surprised she even got in the car. Now you need to find some way to apologize to that little girl cause no one else is going to do that for you." I walked away after saying my last word to her. She may be my adopted mother but someone needs to put some common sense into her brain.

"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎..."

A/n~ The long awaited chapter is finally here!! Sorry this is so late, I was so busy this winter break 😭 The next chapter while be coming out either today or tmrw (its January 3rd for me rn cause its almost 2 in the morning 🤠) Also Happy New Year yall!!! New year same old me, except i'm shifting this year and actually staying in my dr instead of minishifting 😭. But I hope yall have a great year and make 2024 your year! Byeee and see you in the next chapter.


"𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎..." {𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛}Where stories live. Discover now