seasons | zoro

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"I can't be your love, cause I'm afraid, I'll ruin your life."

"You know you're too cute and easy to tease."

With a warmth hug behind you and a feeling of his nose in the crook of your neck, leaning back against him.

"Haha very funny mossy."

Admiring the swordsman from afar, wondering if he'll ever realize. Understanding that, the feelings will never be reciprocated. From his cold manner, his acts of service towards you only, calloused hands always catching you when you fall, does he feel it too? Every night, leaving the girl's dorm to look at the night sky to think,

"Will he ever realize?"

"While the leaves withered away and grew again, you have gone far away."

Admiring from her afar, wondering if she'll ever realize. Understanding that, the feelings will never be reciprocated. Thinking about her acts of kindness towards everyone and seeing the good in people, soft and delicate features and her touch when she patches new scars for him, does she feel it too? Every night, leaving the boy's dorm and going up to the crow's nest to admire her from a higher level.

"Will she ever realize?"

"I'll be pushing up daisies, and bring all the chances to here."

Fighting side by side, marines versus straw hat pirate crew, all was going well until you took a harsh stab for the swordsman without his realization. Clutching onto your abdomen, slashing the marine and shoving him down the sea, the marines retreated, all's well that ends well..? As everybody celebrated, you slouched onto the pillar of the ship and he was the first to notice. Rushing over to you, did this mean something to him, did you mean something to him? Crouching down to your level, worry written all over his face.

"Y/n..? What's wrong..?"

Spitting out blood in response, panic set in with everyone. Zoro immediately realizing why you grunted before when fighting behind his back with the marine. Chopper rushing over to realize the blood piling up, the stab wound was infected with poison. Gasping for air, you grabbed onto your shirt, clenching out the stinging pain.

"But I'll pray for you all the time, if I could be by your side."

Zoro rushing over to pick you up to get to Chopper's office. Your vision gradually getting weaker, as long as your last view is him, it's worth it. As long as it wasn't him who got stabbed, it's worth it. As long as he keeps his smile, it's worth it.

"I'll give you all my life, my seasons."

"Y/n please don't.. please don't leave me.." Choking out his words with tears.
"I love you.. so please don't leave me."

Closing your eyes, slow breathing, will you stay with him? Leaving Chopper's office, staying shut in the crow's nest, waiting. Fate being on your side, fate being on Chopper's side, fate being on Zoro's side, fate being on everyone's side, that fuck ass marine almost ended you. But failed. After Chopper being able to get to the toxins entering your heart, you were gain another chance. Another chance to go to him. Waking up to a dark and quiet room, groaning in pain, least your alive. Getting up slowly and walking to hear your friends speaking. Walking closer and closer, eye contact with Nami, she stood up.

"Y/n?" Nami said.

Smiling at everyone around the table, everyone ran to you. Nami crashing into you first and then everyone else running to you. All except for one person. Who wasn't in the room. The one person you wished to see when you woke up. Everyone falling apart from the hug, a small celebration of your awakening, you thanked everyone. Not being able to find the swordsman, you went out to the balcony to admire the stars again.

"You woke up."

Turning around to see him, the one you saved.

"Well either that or dying I guess." You joked.

Instead of a sarcastic response, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. Gently enough to not harm your stitches.

"I'll protect you. With everything I have left. So please don't leave me again, I love you."

"Pretty hard to get rid of me Zoro. I'm not going anywhere. Even if the seasons change, I'll still be here."

"By your side, I'll be your seasons."

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