cool with you | ace

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"It feels cool with you."

"Don't you find it weird to have an opposite of you in the crew?" Marco asked while chewing on the meat.

"Who? Y/n?"

"No dumbass the water. Yes Y/n who else??"

"Ouch didn't need the sarcasm Marco." Ace laughed.

Maybe it was weird. Complete opposites between you and ace as he had the powers of fire given to him by the devil fruit he had consumed and as in your case, the powers of frost given to you by the devil fruit you had consumed. Besides being opposites elements, your personalities between him were different as well.

As Ace is known to be an extroverted wanted pirate, you were an introverted silent pirate. You enjoyed silence and peace. But clashing with Ace? Bad idea. Always had a big mouth. He was talkative and outgoing, an optimistic person. While on the other hand you were the pessimistic. Like a grinch. You knew talking while fighting would take a longer time so obviously cutting to the chase was your go to. You weren't fond of people either. You were just closed off and cold. Just like your abilities.

"Ace we have a mission."

Feeling the cold environment, knowing it was your presence he turned around.

"Wow so cold already." He joked.

There was no smile on your face although.

"Yea okay I'm coming."

Leaving Ace, and heading to the common room, feeling flustered just by seeing the one person you didn't despise on the ship.

Setting off to the mission into the unknown kingdom, you both had to play the role of husband and wife, just great. In order for this plan to fall in, there would of course had to be role playing. Distracted in your own mind you felt a hand placed onto your waist. Jolting from the sudden warmth, he leaned in close to your ear level.

"You might not wanna jump around me when we're supposed to act like a couple my dear~"

Pulling away from you and with that stupid smile your face just went red. Following the route of the system and scouting out each marine, there was apparently an evening event, where everyone is allowed to attend but it almost felt like a trap. Getting ready with your outfit, lifting up the dress to add weapons onto the waistband of your thighs, you heard someone opening the door and falling to the floor. Immediately whipping your head around you saw Ace with a bloody nose.

"Wow haven't you heard of knocking while a lady's getting dressed?"

"Hasn't anyone told you that you've got great legs?"

This man was truly the definition of chivalry you thought. Holding his hand out for yours, gracefully accepting and leaving a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you ready to go my love?"

"You know you don't have to act when we're alone unless you think you're a horrible actor." You retorted back.

"Why are you always so cold to me about literally anything?"

"I don't fuck with you thats why."

"It would be anyone's pleasure to fuck me though???"

"This is why we're a horrible pair. You just fool around."

"More like we're a great pair? We have dynamic personalities that everyone wants!"

Looking back up at him, there was only fiery sparks in his eyes. With a smile, he gently placed your hand around his biceps and began to leave the rented room for the mission.

Arriving at the supposedly gala, it was truly gorgeous. Bad side was you didn't realize how much attention you've both been receiving throughout the night. From one compliment to the next, it was truly unsettling. Never have you thought your looks would get attention. As Ace drifted off somewhere in the crowd losing your hand, your best bet was to head to where the food was at. Taking some chocolate and tasting each delicacy, someone cleared their throat behind you.

"Never seen you around here? How about I give you a tour?" said the man.

Uninterested, you declined politely until it was going down hill.

"Jeez I'm being fucking nice and you think acting like you're better than me is gonna help?"

As he kept a strong grip on your wrist, you saw a similar pair of shoes you've seen before while getting dressed from a few hours ago. Seeing the feet sweep the man's ankles down which caused him to fall, you were immediately drawn with the similar warmth and comfort.

"Oops sorry you were talking to my amazing wife so I suggest you move about your day!" Ace smiled.

Watching the embarrassed man run away stumbling you tried holding your laugh together. With a smile rising to your face, Ace immediately caught it.

"Oh?? I made you smile???"

"Nope I was not smiling."

"You suck at lying."

"You suck at everything."

"I don't suck at liking you so much though."

"You have got to stop playing with my feelings like that Ace."

"Who said I'm joking though?"

As he positioned himself to your direction, looking down with admiration, was it true? Just as you were going to say something, the grand ceilings were shattered, and panic arose.


Just fucking amazing today. As they spotted you, you knew either flight or fight, in this case it was fight. You had beef with a familiar marine guard who took the one person you loved which was your sister, but it was finally time for payback. Pulling out the sword and leaving the daggers, back to back with Ace, it was time for the grand finale. Swords clashing one on one, but as soon as a marine member shot the sword out of your dominant hand, it was time to fully show your potential.

"May I have this dance madam Y/n?" Ace said with a court gesture.

"Yes you may monsieur Ace."

Gladly taking his hand, in waltz position, gliding onto the floors, one step from you were ice that took marines flying, and as for Ace's turn, making everything in his path fire. Spinning you around and creating a mixture of fire and ice, gliding ever so gracefully, hand on shoulder and hand on waist, this duo was indeed a dangerous mix. The aroma of your perfume and his colonge, the swirl of fire and ice surrounding you both as you danced under the moonlight. As you both watched them retreat, you didn't realize you were still holding hands with him. Just as you were going to pull away, he pulled you back into his embrace for a hug.

"I really like you. The fact that you're the opposite of me is perfect. Because it feels cool with you." He confessed.

Mixed feelings within your head at the sudden move. Maybe it wasn't bad just being yourself. Even more comforting when the person you don't despise as much truly likes you because your you.

"I feel like I always get a fever around you Ace."

"Is that a good thing or.."

"Dumbass I get flustered around you and my face goes red."

"It feels cool when I'm with you Y/n, it's funny because you cool down my temperature."



"Where does this lead us with?"

Watching him step one step closer to you, holding your hand, with the same spark in his eyes and with his biggest smile.

"Does this mean you'll be mine?"

"I'm already yours."

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