wine | mihawk

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"I'm drunk with you, I'm drunk with this night."

Loud laughter erupted within the tavern. As you entered in to get the sense of loud conversations and the scent of alcohol running through your nose, you look around to see who seemed to be a traveler sharing a story. You took a seat near by at the booth and ordered a drink. Waiting for the order, eavesdropping per se on the traveler who had a lot to talk about.

"I'm telling you right now the "legendary" Y/n is no match for me." He laughed out.

Oh absolutely the fuck not. Once your order came out you chugged that shit down and felt the burning sensation of the drink. Who the fuck does he think he is? How could someone like HIM disrespect you.

"I mean Y/n's hot and all but really? She's useless I don't understand why she has a title as a warlord. She's a woman. Too sensitive. Mihawk or hell even Shanks could take her down in one shot.  And he's just an emperor! I tried dueling with her but I took her down in less than a second! Swear!"

As the crowd laughed, you ordered another drink before thinking whether you should kill that man or not. Even worse by the fact he kept pulling bullshit out of his small dick but you decided to not humiliate him yet. Just as you were going to chug down your next drink, a hand stopped you. Looking up to only see the 2 contestants who could "take you down" stated by the idiot traveler. Big talk for a traveler who didn't know shit.

"Why the angry mood?" Shanks laughed.

Glaring back at him he immediately apologized.

"Fuck men." You spat out and taking another drink.

As both of them looked at you weirdly, they took a seat next to you. Mihawk took the empty seat next to you before Shanks could even think about it and ended up just sitting next to Mihawk.



As Shanks got so happy about Mihawk agreeing to pay for the wine, Mihawk lost his interest and focused back on you as Shanks kept ordering random drinks.

"Care to tell?"


"Ok then."

"Do you think I'm weak, Mihawk?"

He didn't even know what to say. And especially the eye contact you were giving him, he couldn't handle. Such a sad yet somehow gorgeous face, could make him smile. Scanning your face and outfit of the day, he had to keep his composure and play poker face so you wouldn't know about his feelings towards you. He was so taken aback by the question as well when knowing you're in a higher position of warlord ranking than he is.

"What makes you think about that then amore?"

"This bitch is dragging my name with his disgusting mouth and behavior. Lacing with lies to boost his ego."

The drinks came out, and as you took a sip of the wine, relaxing after ranting to him, you sighed.

"Fuck it I'm going drunk today."

Chugging everything down within seconds, and considering killing the guy or embarrassing him came into your mind again.

"Keep your composure Y/n."

"Keep your mouth shut Mihawk."

As he sighed, he should have known that would be your response. As he sipped down the wine, you were chugging it another glass of wine, You looked around to see Shanks having a drinking competition with a random man. A blush tinted onto your face from who knows how many glasses, Mihawk sighed at the view of you.

"You can't let his words get to you. You know you're stronger than me amore. You have more experience than me as well." He said.

You only looked up at him with glossy eyes, as he tucked in a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Just as you were going to say something, you heard another conversation from the man who talked shit about you.

"Mihawk is 100% stronger. Y/n is just a weak warlord. Hell I bet she only got that title because she was the only heir left or maybe gave a blowjob to her father for that title."

That was officially the last straw. Getting up from your seat, Mihawk immediately followed. As the group of men laughed they immediately shut their mouths. Feeling the intense aura, the man turned around and immediately felt a cold liquid pour over his head.

"If you wanna downgrade successful women so badly." Grabbing him by the collar and tossing him across the tables.

"Say it to my fucking face. Instead of coming up with bullshit you fucking pussy." You spat out with slurred words. Should have calmed down with chugging the drinks.

Just as you were gonna swing a punch or make him lose the abilities to have kids for embarrassing you, you felt a harsh tug at your wrist and collided onto someone's chest. Looking up to see Mihawk himself.

"I would appreciate if you didn't talk to my wife that way." He glared.

"W-wife?" The man stuttered out.

Looking up at him confused and angry, knowing you wanted to shred this man into pieces, he just winked at you. As he looked back at the man, he wanted to kill him as well, but instead rather make the man feel like shit and lose his friends.

"And coming up with lies when everyone should know and learn that Y/n is one of the first warlords of the sea an additional knowing that she has a higher body count than anyone else at the moment. I now understand why women won't sleep with you since you probably have lied about your height, wealth, and definitely your dick as well." Mihawk stated.

Wow thats shocking.

As the man's face boiled with anger and embarrassment, he got a glass of whatever his drink was and an attempt of tossing it at Mihawk, resulted in the drink arriving into his eyes. As he fell to the ground, Mihawk just stood in shock. The fact you kicked the glass back at the man's face even when you're drunk, you never failed to impress him.

"How dare you try to pour your cheap drink at my husband?" You said with a hiccup.

"Husband?" Mihawk smirked.

As you grabbed his face examining if there was any damage, but he still had his pretty face so you smiled. Stroking his cheek softly and giggling like a kid, you were too drunk to see his blush. Looking back again the "so called" manly man, you grabbed him by the hair and pulled out your dagger pressing it against his neck.

"Next time, keep my name out of your disgusting mouth unless you're talking about this exact moment where my husband and I just embarrassed you in front of you friends but I think your friends got that covered out for you." You spat out.

Watching the man's friends laugh at the humiliation, flipping your hair away and walking back to your "husband". Taking Mihawk's hand and stepping outside for fresh air, you were still a tad bit drunk. Sober rather now. Laughing in the night strolling around with him, hand in hand, you felt better than how you were 2 hours ago.

"Are we both drunk right now?"

"I'm just sober Y/n, I barely drank to be frank."

As you nodded your head, you felt cold. Opening your arms around and placing them around his neck and pulling him into a warm hug.

"Thank you, husband." While giggling, you couldn't see his face but if you had, you would have seen him losing it.

"Anything for you my dear." Planting a soft kiss onto your head, and carrying you back to your place.

"I know I'm drunk or sober but please help me remember this moment tomorrow.. Please?"

Before he could say anything, you fell asleep and he chuckled.

"Oh trust me, I think I'll tease you on how the famous warlord needs her alcohol tolerance checked out."

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