hurt | sanji

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"cause I'm not gonna be the one to get hurt."

Watching Sanji as he flirted with every woman he lays his eyes on with a nosebleed, this was the official sign to stop your feelings for him. Everything you did, flirting, hinting, everything, was not good enough for Sanji to confess to you somehow and the fear or rejection affected you too much. Frustrated and going to the girls dorms, you pulled out your diary journal.

"I'm not interested in games. I'm sick and tired of these games and talking to him. If he can't come to me first for an actual discussion and I can't even get the courage to tell him how I feel, this is continuous bullshit. He can go flirt with every or any woman he wants at this point. I can always focus on someone else instead of him. I don't want to get hurt. I'm not gonna be the one to get hurt."

Finishing the last sentence and shutting the diary away, you left the room. Heading up to the training room and working out to remove any thoughts of the blonde haired chef, you didn't hear Zoro come up. The anger fueled into your body as you continued to lift the weights, you wanted to fight someone at that rate.

"Woah someone's mad." He said laughing.

"Shut it. Shouldn't you be taking ur 25th nap of the day or drinking?"

"Ouch what's wrong with you today??"

Slamming down the dumbbells and turning around to face the swordsman with tears threatening to leave your eyes, his face immediately dropped.

"I'm not good at these things Y/n.. but if you're mad at someone or something even if it's me, I don't know what I did but how about sparring? It'll remove all your anger out."

As you carefully thought about the offer, I mean, maybe this was a sign? After all you couldn't do THAT much damage on a guy built like Zoro who never skipped training. And especially after time, he's become bigger. Obviously this caught your eye because at least you didn't have to worry about your feelings to him unlike Sanji.

"My offer always stands for you. Let me know."

Just as he was about to leave, you grabbed his hand.

"Let's do it."

And so a new relationship opened up between you and Zoro. As you kept note in your diary about him, you couldn't help but feel at peace knowing that he doesn't flirt with every other walking woman on the planet. Finishing your latest diary entrance, you headed on out to spar with Zoro. Stepping outside and getting your gloves on, watching the green haired man get into his gloves, maybe it was time to not get your feelings hurt by Sanji but instead focus on a new target.

"You ready?"

"Let's run it!" Zoro said.

Swinging punches left to right, jumping from the side of the beams and flipping overhead, it felt great. As an hour passes by and he's on the ground, you lay next to him.

"How angry were you today jesus christ." He said while laughing.

Which lead for him to earn a smack on the chest.

"Extremely. But thanks for doing this with me, Zoro." You responded with a smile while looking up at him.

"You know I like you that much, so obviously I'm gonna help you through everything step by step."

As you saw a small smile from him, something in your heart felt.. happy. Laughing about the inside jokes, there was a certain person watching from afar. Gripping onto the 2 glasses of beverages for Nami and Robin, the glasses shattered from the pressure of holding onto them for dear life.

"That fucking green bitch."

Chopper noticing the bleeding hand, immediately rushing out with bandages.

"Sanji please be careful!"

He said nothing but hated the feeling that you weren't talking to him. Did he do something wrong? Well obviously yeah but he didn't know what you were thinking. And the only way he could, was your diary. But invasion of privacy he thought. But then realizing this entirety of the crew does not know what privacy is because everyone gets violated one way or another. As the chef snuck into the room, looking around carefully for something that would look like a diary, he came across a blue book with a lock. Finding the key in one of the drawers and opening it up, lucky him that it was in fact your diary.

Unlocking the lock and skimming through the pages, everything was about him. Until reading the new entries.

"Im so glad I'm over Sanji. In the end, I might have gotten hurt by him, but at least Zoro won't hurt me like Sanji did by flirting with every other woman and sending mixed signals to me when we were alone. I'm not gonna be the one to get hurt in the end."

As he slammed the diary shut in anger, he couldn't believe he lost someone like you to Zoro. He didn't mean the mixed signals, but the fact that he admires all women and worshipping them as well, you flew over his head, and now he's completely lost you. How you may ask? Isn't there another chance of redemption? The redemption was gone the minute he tried finding you but found your lips onto Zoro's.

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