star | zoro

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"Just like a star."

The night was ever so peaceful. As everyone is in their own world of slumber, a silent cry could not be heard from them. As the tears fall down into the universe, there was a longing for someone in your heart. But there was a heartbreak in the heart as well. All the memories stuck within the star, wishing that it could break away from you. But how could it? Suffering in silence of the loss of everybody you loved, in risk of protecting you, in pain from imprisonment, only trauma was built. All you could do during that time was crawl to the cell window and cry at the stars hoping there would be a chance to break away from hell you called it as. Then the miracle came. But there was no way back home, instead there was a new welcoming of home. There was rivalry until you learned that, you could break away from the influence. Which lead you to this position with the straw hat crew. As the last tear fell, one more look at the star and you silently went back in.

"Is.. this what you do Y/n..."

Waking up in the morning with puffy eyes and cooling your eyes, getting ready for the day. Heading to work out, you see him.



The awkwardness set between you and Zoro was could never be changed. You'd think that your relationship between him could grow, but in the results of that, it was nothing. After all, having a blade next to his neck threatening to kill him wasn't the best introduction to him. Of course you apologized with sake, so maybe it was okay between you and him. He was the one to help you. To break away. The one who you longed for in your heart. But the differences between you both besides wielding swords were nothing. The day you broke free from years of pain, breaking down, he was the one who held out his hand for you. Hesitation, fear, anger, confusion, and somehow you felt safe with him in that moment. Only few small mentions between you both and forget about it. But truthfully, those small moments he cherished and you did as well.

Finishing your last set and grabbing a towel, you looked at him working out. Should you talk to him? Just do it. As you were going to say something, Luffy shouted from below.

"NEXT ISLAND WE'RE HERE!!!" He shouted with excitement.

As the ship stopped, you walked past by him instead, avoiding what your heart had wanted. Heading outside, seeing a village with star banners, loud music, laughs and cheers from the villagers, seems like there's a festival. Children running with stars painted on their faces, flowers flying in the air, it was truly breathtaking. Admiring the scenery with a smile, you never noticed Zoro's view of you. The look of love. The look of admiration. The look your heart longed for.

"Welcome to the 45th Star Festival!" A little girl shouted.

As she tugged your hand down to be set to her level, she placed a flower crown on you.

"You look so pretty! Like a princess!" Giggling and handing her a kiss on the cheek as gratitude, watching the little girl run away with laughter.

"She's not wrong."

Looking up to see Zoro with a small smile.

As you took a flower off from the crown and held it in your hand, you gently held his calloused hands. Tip toeing up to his level and placing the flower behind his ear, seeing someone like him with a flower behind his ear was truly a sight.

"You're pretty cute for a princess too." You laughed.

Seeing his face go from pink to red, you continued to laugh. And a genuine laugh. Never had this happened for a while. Him seeing you laugh made him feel something inside spark. Laughing either way, only genuine feelings were felt in the short moment. Everyone running into teams, whether it was holding candle lights, eating at the buffet, playing games, chatting, or watching everything from afar, you broke away from the town village and headed to the garden you found earlier. Looking at the stars and the glowing flowers, tears slowly leaving your eyes. The flowing gown from the wind, the shining stars, but how would the stars lead you back home? Isn't home what you longed for as well? Tears continuing to pour down, you heard someone's footsteps. Not daring to look back, you felt the same calloused hands holding yours.

"Thought I'd find you here."

Looking up at him with tears, just as you were going to say something, you were pulled into a hug.

"Cry. Don't cry alone. I know you're still struggling, but I'm always here if you're in fear of other's understanding what you do."

As your tears continued, you finally broke out. Crying out loud into his shirt, gripping onto the fabric, all you could do is cry. Gently sitting on the grass surrounded by the glowing flowers surrounding you both, you couldn't be bothered. Trying to break away from the past was difficult. The person you longed for you, comforting you, the place you wanted to find that was known to be "home" was him. How funny that you could finally cry at loud and not when the ship is quiet during the night. Sniffling away, pulling away from his chest and your eyes still with tears, you felt the tears wiped away.

"I'm sorry for what you've been through."

"Why sorry?"

"Because you've kept this to yourself for over 10 years. You deserve an apology from someone."


"How do you feel now?"

Not realizing your position on top of Zoro's lap, arm around his neck, his hands on your waist, immediately ignoring the question and face going red within seconds. As he laughed once you realized, you could only puff your cheeks out.

"Shut up."

"No wonder you're this cute and pretty. Cute when pouting, pretty when you're just you. Even when you cried during those nights, I thought to myself that you're still the most beautiful person." He confessed.

"You.. knew..?"

"Of course I did. Do you guys actually think I'm asleep during night watch?"

Laughing at his response, he laughed as he pulled your back against his chest, hearing his heartbeat.

"Instead of crying to the stars, how about admiring them with me?"

As you looked back at him, you could feel a sense of tension thickening. Looking at his lips and back at him, leaning in forward, should you have stopped. Right when you did, you felt his hand on your cheeks and leaned in. Slightly chapped lips and the taste of salty tears, was this his way of expressing himself to you? Was this your way of expressing yourself to him? Pulling away, and looking away, from the shy reaction you had given him all he could do was chuckle. Knowing how you both felt, fate had intertwined itself between you and him.

"Too cute Y/n.. too cute."

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